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Articulation and Acoustics

Phonetics is concerned with describing speech. There are many different reasons

for wanting to do this, which means that there are many kinds of phoneticians.

Some are interested in the different sounds that occur in languages. Some are

more concerned with pathological speech. Others are trying to help people speak

a particular form of English. Still others are looking for ways to make computers

talk more intelligibly or to get computers to recognize speech. For all these pur-

poses, phoneticians need to find out what people are doing when they are talking

and how the sounds of speech can be described.


We will begin by describing how speech sounds are made. Most of them are

the result of movements of the tongue and the lips. We can think of these move-

ments as gestures forming particular sounds. We can convey information by ges-

tures of our hands that people can see, but in making speech that people can

hear, humans have found a marvelously efficient way to impart information. The

gestures of the tongue and lips are made audible so that they can be heard and


Making speech gestures audible involves pushing air out of the lungs while

producing a noise in the throat or mouth. These basic noises are changed by

the actions of the tongue and lips. Later, we will study how the tongue and lips

make about twenty-five different gestures to form the sounds of English. We can

see some of these gestures by looking at an x-ray movie (which you can watch

on the CD that accompanies this book). Figure 1.1 shows a series of frames

from an x-ray movie of the phrase on top of his deck. In this sequence of twelve

frames (one in every four frames of the movie), the tongue has been outlined to

make it clearer. The lettering to the right of the frames shows, very roughly, the

sounds being produced. The individual frames in the figure show that the tongue

and lips move rapidly from one position to another. To appreciate how rapidly

the gestures are being made, however, you should watch the movie on the CD.

Demonstration 1.1 plays the sounds and shows the movements involved in the

phrase on top of his deck. Even in this phrase, spoken at a normal speed, the

tongue is moving quickly. The actions of the tongue are among the fastest and

most precise physical movements that people can make.

CD 1.1

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Speech Production 3

























Figure 1.1 Frames from an x-ray movie of a speaker saying on top of his deck.

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4 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

Producing any sound requires energy. In nearly all speech sounds, the basic

source of power is the respiratory system pushing air out of the lungs. Try to talk

while breathing in instead of out. You will find that you can do it, but it is much

harder than talking when breathing out. When you talk, air from the lungs goes up

the windpipe (the trachea, to use the more technical term) and into the larynx, at

which point it must pass between two small muscular folds called the vocal folds. If

the vocal folds are apart (as yours probably are right now while you are breathing in

and out), the air from the lungs will have a relatively free passage into the pharynx

and the mouth. But if the vocal folds are adjusted so that there is only a narrow pas-

sage between them, the airstream from the lungs will set them vibrating. Sounds

produced when the vocal folds are vibrating are said to be voiced, as opposed to

those in which the vocal folds are apart, which are said to be voiceless.

In order to hear the difference between a voiced and a voiceless sound,

try saying a long ‘v’ sound, which we will symbolize as [ vvvvv ]. Now

compare this with a long ‘f ’ sound [ fffff ], saying each of them alternately—

[ fffffvvvvvfffffvvvvv ]. (As indicated by the symbol in the margin, this sequence

is on the accompanying CD.) Both of these sounds are formed in the same way

in the mouth. The difference between them is that [ v ] is voiced and [ f ] is voice-

less. You can feel the vocal fold vibrations in [ v ] if you put your fingertips

against your larynx. You can also hear the buzzing of the vibrations in [ v ] more

easily if you stop up your ears while contrasting [ fffffvvvvv ].

The difference between voiced and voiceless sounds is often important in dis-

tinguishing sounds. In each of the pairs of words fat, vat; thigh, thy; Sue, zoo,

the first consonant in the first word of each pair is voiceless; in the second word,

it is voiced. To check this for yourself, say just the consonant at the beginning of

each of these words and try to feel and hear the voicing as suggested above. Try

to find other pairs of words that are distinguished by one having a voiced and the

other having a voiceless consonant.

The air passages above the larynx are known as the vocal tract. Figure 1.2

shows their location within the head (actually, within Peter Ladefoged’s head, in

a photograph taken many years ago). The shape of the vocal tract is a very im-

portant factor in the production of speech, and we will often refer to a diagram

of the kind that has been superimposed on the photograph in Figure 1.2. Learn

to draw the vocal tract by tracing the diagram in this figure. Note that the air

passages that make up the vocal tract may be divided into the oral tract, within

the mouth and pharynx, and the nasal tract, within the nose. When the flap at the

back of the mouth is lowered (as it probably is for you now, if you are breath-

ing with your mouth shut), air goes in and out through the nose. Speech sounds

such as [ m ] and [ n ] are produced with the vocal folds vibrating and air going

out through the nose. The upper limit of the nasal tract has been marked with a

dotted line since the exact boundaries of the air passages within the nose depend

on soft tissues of variable size.

The parts of the vocal tract that can be used to form sounds, such as the tongue

and the lips, are called articulators. Before we discuss them, let’s summarize

CD 1.2

CD 1.3

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Speech Production 5

the speech production mechanism as a whole. Figure 1.3 shows the four main

components—the airstream process, the phonation process, the oro-nasal pro-

cess, and the articulatory process. The airstream process includes all the ways of

pushing air out (and, as we will see later, of sucking it in) that provide the power

for speech. For the moment, we have considered just the respiratory system, the

lungs pushing out air, as the prime mover in this process. The phonation process

is the name given to the actions of the vocal folds. Only two possibilities have

been mentioned: voiced sounds in which the vocal folds are vibrating and voice-

less sounds in which they are apart. The possibility of the airstream going out

through the mouth, as in [ v ] or [ z ], or the nose, as in [ m ] and [ n ], is determined

by the oro-nasal process. The movements of the tongue and lips interacting with

the roof of the mouth and the pharynx are part of the articulatory process.

Figure 1.2 The vocal tract.

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6 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics


So far, we have been describing speech sounds by stating how they are made,

but it is also possible to describe them in terms of what we can hear. The way in

which we hear a sound depends on its acoustic structure. We want to be able to

describe the acoustics of speech for many reasons (for more on acoustic phonet-

ics, see Keith Johnson’s book Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics). Linguists and

speech pathologists need to understand how certain sounds become confused

with one another. We can give better descriptions of some sounds (such as vow-

els) by describing their acoustic structures rather than by describing the articu-

latory movements involved. A knowledge of acoustic phonetics is also helpful

for understanding how computers synthesize speech and how speech recognition

works (topics that are addressed more fully in Peter Ladefoged’s book Vowels

and Consonants). Furthermore, often the only permanent data that we can get of

a speech event is an audio recording, as it is often impossible to obtain movies or









Figure 1.3 The four main components of the speech mechanism.

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Sound Waves 7

x-rays showing what the speaker is doing. Accordingly, if we want permanent data

that we can study, it will often have to come from analyzing an audio recording.

Speech sounds, like other sounds, can differ from one another in three ways.

They can be the same or different in (1) pitch, (2) loudness, and (3) quality. Thus,

two vowel sounds may have exactly the same pitch in the sense that they are said

on the same note on the musical scale, and they may have the same loudness, yet

still may differ in that one might be the vowel in bad and the other the vowel in

bud. On the other hand, they might have the same vowel quality but differ in that

one was said on a higher pitch or that one of them was spoken more loudly.

Sound consists of small variations in air pressure that occur very rapidly one

after another. These variations are caused by actions of the speaker’s vocal or-

gans that are (for the most part) superimposed on the outgoing flow of lung

air. Thus, in the case of voiced sounds, the vibrating vocal folds chop up the

stream of lung air so that pulses of relatively high pressure alternate with mo-

ments of lower pressure. Variations in air pressure in the form of sound waves

move through the air somewhat like the ripples on a pond. When they reach the

ear of a listener, they cause the eardrum to vibrate. A graph of a sound wave is

very similar to a graph of the movements of the eardrum.

The upper part of Figure 1.4 shows the variations in air pressure that occur

during Peter Ladefoged’s pronunciation of the word father. The ordinate (the

vertical axis) represents air pressure (relative to the normal surrounding air pres-

sure), and the abscissa (the horizontal axis) represents time (relative to an arbi-

trary starting point). As you can see, this particular word took about 0.6 seconds

to say. The lower part of the figure shows part of the first vowel in father. The

major peaks in air pressure recur about every 0.01 seconds (that is, every one-

hundredth of a second). This is because the vocal folds were vibrating approxi-

mately one hundred times a second, producing a pulse of air every hundredth of

a second. This part of the diagram shows the air pressure corresponding to four

vibrations of the vocal folds. The smaller variations in air pressure that occur

within each period of one-hundredth of a second are due to the way air vibrates

when the vocal tract has the particular shape required for this vowel.

In the upper part of Figure 1.4, which shows the waveform for the whole

word father, the details of the variations in air pressure are not visible because

the time scale is too compressed. All that can be seen are the near-vertical lines

corresponding to the individual pulses of the vocal folds. The sound [ f ] at

the beginning of the word father has a low amplitude (it is not very loud, so the

pressure fluctuation is not much different from zero) in comparison with the fol-

lowing vowel, and the variations in air pressure are smaller and more nearly ran-

dom. There are no regular pulses because the vocal folds are not vibrating. We

will be considering waveforms and their acoustic analysis in more detail later

in this book. For the moment, we will simply notice the obvious difference be-

tween sounds in which the vocal folds are vibrating (which have comparatively

large regular pulses of air pressure) and sounds without vocal fold vibration

(which have a smaller amplitude and irregular variations in air pressure).

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8 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics


The parts of the vocal tract that can be used to form sounds are called

articulators. The articulators that form the lower surface of the vocal tract are

highly mobile. They make the gestures required for speech by moving toward

the articulators that form the upper surface. Try saying the word capital and

note the major movements of your tongue and lips. You will find that the back

of the tongue moves up to make contact with the roof of the mouth for the first

sound and then comes down for the following vowel. The lips come together

in the formation of p and then come apart again in the vowel. The tongue tip

comes up for the t and again, for most people, for the final l.

The names of the principal parts of the upper surface of the vocal tract are

given in Figure 1.5. The upper lip and the upper teeth (notably the frontal inci-

sors) are familiar-enough structures. Just behind the upper teeth is a small pro-

tuberance that you can feel with the tip of the tongue. This is called the alveolar

ridge. You can also feel that the front part of the roof of the mouth is formed

0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 s

expanded expanded

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 s

f a th er

this part

Figure 1.4 The variations in air pressure that occur during Peter Ladefoged’s

pronunciation of the vowel in father.

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Places of Articulatory Gestures 9

by a bony structure. This is the hard palate. You will probably have to use a

fingertip to feel farther back. Most people cannot curl the tongue up far enough

to touch the soft palate, or velum, at the back of the mouth. The soft palate is a

muscular flap that can be raised to press against the back wall of the pharynx and

shut off the nasal tract, preventing air from going out through the nose. In this

case, there is said to be a velic closure. This action separates the nasal tract from

the oral tract so that the air can go out only through the mouth. At the lower end

of the soft palate is a small appendage hanging down that is known as the uvula.

The part of the vocal tract between the uvula and the larynx is the pharynx.

The back wall of the pharynx may be considered one of the articulators on the

upper surface of the vocal tract.

Figure 1.6 shows the lower lip and the specific names for the parts of the

tongue that form the lower surface of the vocal tract. The tip and blade of the

tongue are the most mobile parts. Behind the blade is what is technically called

the front of the tongue; it is actually the forward part of the body of the tongue

and lies underneath the hard palate when the tongue is at rest. The remainder of

the body of the tongue may be divided into the center, which is partly beneath

the hard palate and partly beneath the soft palate; the back, which is beneath the

soft palate; and the root, which is opposite the back wall of the pharynx. The

epiglottis is attached to the lower part of the root of the tongue.

Bearing all these terms in mind, say the word peculiar and try to give a rough

description of the gestures made by the vocal organs during the consonant

sounds. You should find that the lips come together for the first sound. Then the

back and center of the tongue are raised. But is the contact on the hard palate or

on the velum? (For most people, it is centered between the two.) Then note the

position in the formation of the l. Most people make this sound with the tip of

the tongue on the alveolar ridge.

Figure 1.5 The principal parts of the upper surface of the vocal tract.

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10 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

Now compare the words true and tea. In which word does the tongue move-

ment involve a contact farther forward in the mouth? Most people make contact

with the tip or blade of the tongue on the alveolar ridge when saying tea, but

slightly farther back in true. Try to distinguish the differences in other conso-

nant sounds, such as those in sigh and shy and those at the beginning of fee and


When considering diagrams such as those we have been discussing, it is im-

portant to remember that they show only two dimensions. The vocal tract is a

tube, and the positions of the sides of the tongue may be very different from the

position of the center. In saying sigh, for example, there is a deep hollow in the

center of the tongue that is not present when saying shy. We cannot represent

this difference in a two-dimensional diagram that shows just the midline of the

tongue—a so-called mid-sagittal view. We will be relying on mid-sagittal dia-

grams of the vocal organs to a considerable extent in this book. But we should

never let this simplified view become the sole basis for our conceptualization of

speech sounds.

In order to form consonants, the airstream through the vocal tract must be ob-

structed in some way. Consonants can be classified according to the place and

manner of this obstruction. The primary articulators that can cause an obstruction

in most languages are the lips, the tongue tip and blade, and the back of the

tongue. Speech gestures using the lips are called labial articulations; those

using the tip or blade of the tongue are called coronal articulations; and

those using the back of the tongue are called dorsal articulations.

If we do not need to specify the place of articulation in great detail, then the

articulators for the consonants of English (and of many other languages) can be

described using these terms. The word topic, for example, begins with a coronal

Figure 1.6 The principal parts of the lower surface of the vocal tract.

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Places of Articulatory Gestures 11

consonant; in the middle is a labial consonant; and at the end a dorsal conso-

nant. Check this by feeling that the tip or blade of your tongue is raised for the

first (coronal) consonant, your lips close for the second (labial) consonant, and

the back of your tongue is raised for the final (dorsal) consonant.

These terms, however, do not specify articulatory gestures in sufficient de-

tail for many phonetic purposes. We need to know more than which articulator

is making the gesture, which is what the terms labial, coronal, and dorsal tell

us. We also need to know what part of the upper vocal tract is involved. More

specific places of articulation are indicated by the arrows going from one of the

lower articulators to one of the upper articulators in Figure 1.7. Because there

are so many possibilities in the coronal region, this area is shown in more detail

at the right of the figure. The principal terms for the particular types of obstruc-

tion required in the description of English are as follows.

1. Bilabial

(Made with the two lips.) Say words such as pie, buy, my and note how

the lips come together for the first sound in each of these words. Find

a comparable set of words with bilabial sounds at the end.

2. Labiodental

(Lower lip and upper front teeth.) Most people, when saying words such as

fie and vie, raise the lower lip until it nearly touches the upper front teeth.

Figure 1.7 A sagittal section of the vocal tract, showing the places of articulation that

occur in English. The coronal region is shown in more detail at the right.

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12 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

3. Dental

(Tongue tip or blade and upper front teeth.) Say the words thigh, thy. Some

people (most speakers of American English as spoken in the Midwest and

on the West Coast) have the tip of the tongue protruding between the up-

per and lower front teeth; others (most speakers of British English) have

it close behind the upper front teeth. Both sounds are normal in English,

and both may be called dental. If a distinction is needed, sounds in which

the tongue protrudes between the teeth may be called interdental.

4. Alveolar

(Tongue tip or blade and the alveolar ridge.) Again there are two pos-

sibilities in English, and you should find out which you use. You may

pronounce words such as tie, die, nigh, sigh, zeal, lie using the tip of the

tongue or the blade of the tongue. You may use the tip of the tongue for

some of these words and the blade for others. For example, some people

pronounce [ s ] with the tongue tip tucked behind the lower teeth, produc-

ing the constriction at the alveolar ridge with the blade of the tongue;

others have the tongue tip up for [ s ]. Feel how you normally make the

alveolar consonants in each of these words, and then try to make them

in the other way. A good way to appreciate the difference between dental

and alveolar sounds is to say ten and tenth (or n and nth). Which n is far-

ther back? (Most people make the one in ten on the alveolar ridge and the

one in tenth as a dental sound with the tongue touching the upper front


5. Retroflex

(Tongue tip and the back of the alveolar ridge.) Many speakers of English

do not use retroflex sounds at all. But some speakers begin words such as

rye, row, ray with retroflex sounds. Note the position of the tip of your

tongue in these words. Speakers who pronounce r at the ends of words

may also have retroflex sounds with the tip of the tongue raised in ire,

hour, air.

6. Palato-Alveolar

(Tongue blade and the back of the alveolar ridge.) Say words such as shy,

she, show. During the consonants, the tip of your tongue may be down

behind the lower front teeth or up near the alveolar ridge, but the blade of

the tongue is always close to the back part of the alveolar ridge. Because

these sounds are made farther back in the mouth than those in sigh, sea,

sew, they can also be called post-alveolar. You should be able to pro-

nounce them with the tip or blade of the tongue. Try saying shipshape

with your tongue tip up on one occasion and down on another. Note that

the blade of the tongue will always be raised. You may be able to feel the

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The Oro-Nasal Process 13

place of articulation more distinctly if you hold the position while taking

in a breath through the mouth. The incoming air cools the region where

there is greatest narrowing, the blade of the tongue and the back part of

the alveolar ridge.

7. Palatal

(Front of the tongue and hard palate.) Say the word you very slowly so

that you can isolate the consonant at the beginning. If you say this con-

sonant by itself, you should be able to feel that it begins with the front

of the tongue raised toward the hard palate. Try to hold the beginning

consonant position and breathe in through the mouth. You will probably

be able to feel the rush of cold air between the front of the tongue and the

hard palate.

8. Velar

(Back of the tongue and soft palate.) The consonants that have the place

of articulation farthest back in English are those that occur at the end of

hack, hag, hang. In all these sounds, the back of the tongue is raised so

that it touches the velum.

As you can tell from the descriptions of these articulatory gestures, the first

two, bilabial and labiodental, can be classified as labial, involving at least the

lower lip; the next four—dental, alveolar, retroflex, and palato-alveolar (post-

alveolar)—are coronal articulations, with the tip or blade of the tongue raised;

and the last, velar, is a dorsal articulation, using the back of the tongue. Palatal

sounds are sometimes classified as coronal articulations and sometimes as dor-

sal articulations, a point to which we shall return.

To get the feeling of different places of articulation, consider the consonant

at the beginning of each of the following words: fee, theme, see, she. Say these

consonants by themselves. Are they voiced or voiceless? Now note that the place

of articulation moves back in the mouth in making this series of voiceless conso-

nants, going from labiodental, through dental and alveolar, to palato-alveolar.


Consider the consonants at the ends of rang, ran, ram. When you say these con-

sonants by themselves, note that the air is coming out through the nose. In the

formation of these sounds in sequence, the point of articulatory closure moves

forward, from velar in rang, through alveolar in ran, to bilabial in ram. In each

case, the air is prevented from going out through the mouth but is able to go out

through the nose because the soft palate, or velum, is lowered.

In most speech, the soft palate is raised so that there is a velic closure. When

it is lowered and there is an obstruction in the mouth, we say that there is a nasal

consonant. Raising or lowering the velum controls the oro-nasal process, the

distinguishing factor between oral and nasal sounds.

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14 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics


At most places of articulation, there are several basic ways in which articulatory

gestures can be accomplished. The articulators may close off the oral tract for an

instant or a relatively long period; they may narrow the space considerably; or

they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching each other.


(Complete closure of the articulators involved so that the airstream cannot escape

through the mouth.) There are two possible types of stop.

Oral stop If, in addition to the articulatory closure in the mouth, the soft pal-

ate is raised so that the nasal tract is blocked off, then the airstream will be

completely obstructed. Pressure in the mouth will build up and an oral stop will

be formed. When the articulators come apart, the airstream will be released in a

small burst of sound. This kind of sound occurs in the consonants in the words

pie, buy (bilabial closure), tie, dye (alveolar closure), and kye, guy (velar clo-

sure). Figure 1.8 shows the positions of the vocal organs in the bilabial stop in

buy. These sounds are called plosives in the International Phonetic Association’s

(IPA’s) alphabet (see inside the front cover of this book).

Nasal stop If the air is stopped in the oral cavity but the soft palate is down so

that air can go out through the nose, the sound produced is a nasal stop. Sounds

of this kind occur at the beginning of the words my (bilabial closure) and nigh

(alveolar closure), and at the end of the word sang (velar closure). Figure 1.9

shows the position of the vocal organs during the bilabial nasal stop in my. Apart

from the presence of a velic opening, there is no difference between this stop

and the one in buy shown in Figure 1.8. Although both the nasal sounds and the

oral sounds can be classified as stops, the term stop by itself is almost always

used by phoneticians to indicate an oral stop, and the term nasal to indicate a

nasal stop. Thus, the consonants at the beginnings of the words day and neigh

would be called an alveolar stop and an alveolar nasal, respectively. Although

the term stop may be defined so that it applies only to the prevention of air es-

caping through the mouth, it is commonly used to imply a complete stoppage of

the airflow through both the nose and the mouth.


(Close approximation of two articulators so that the airstream is partially ob-

structed and turbulent airflow is produced.) The mechanism involved in making

these slightly hissing sounds may be likened to that involved when the wind

whistles around a corner. The consonants in fie, vie (labiodental), thigh, thy

(dental), sigh, zoo (alveolar), and shy (palato-alveolar) are examples of fricative

sounds. Figure 1.10 illustrates one pronunciation of the palato-alveolar fricative

consonant in shy. Note the narrowing of the vocal tract between the blade of the

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Manners of Articulation 15

tongue and the back part of the alveolar ridge. The higher-pitched sounds with a

more obvious hiss, such as those in sigh, shy, are sometimes called sibilants.


(A gesture in which one articulator is close to another, but without the vocal tract

being narrowed to such an extent that a turbulent airstream is produced.) In say-

ing the first sound in yacht, the front of the tongue is raised toward the palatal area

of the roof of the mouth, but it does not come close enough for a fricative sound

to be produced. The consonants in the word we (approximation between the lips

and in the velar region) and, for some people, in the word raw (approximation

in the alveolar region) are also examples of approximants.

Lateral (Approximant)

(Obstruction of the airstream at a point along the center of the oral tract, with

incomplete closure between one or both sides of the tongue and the roof of

the mouth.) Say the word lie and note how the tongue touches near the center

of the alveolar ridge. Prolong the initial consonant and note how, despite the

closure formed by the tongue, air flows out freely, over the side of the tongue.

Because there is no stoppage of the air, and not even any fricative noises, these

sounds are classified as approximants. The consonants in words such as lie,

laugh are alveolar lateral approximants, but they are usually called just alveo-

lar laterals, their approximant status being assumed. You may be able to find

out which side of the tongue is not in contact with the roof of the mouth by

holding the consonant position while you breathe inward. The tongue will feel

colder on the side that is not in contact with the roof of the mouth.

Additional Consonantal Gestures

In this preliminary chapter, it is not necessary to discuss all of the manners of

articulation used in the various languages of the world—nor, for that matter,

in English. But it might be useful to know the terms trill (sometimes called

roll) and tap (sometimes called flap). Tongue-tip trills occur in some forms of

Scottish English in words such as rye and raw. Taps, in which the tongue makes

a single tap against the alveolar ridge, occur in the middle of a word such as pity

in many forms of American English.

The production of some sounds involves more than one of these manners of

articulation. Say the word cheap and think about how you make the first sound. At

the beginning, the tongue comes up to make contact with the back part of the al-

veolar ridge to form a stop closure. This contact is then slackened so that there is a

fricative at the same place of articulation. This kind of combination of a stop imme-

diately followed by a fricative is called an affricate, in this case a palato-alveolar

(or post-alveolar) affricate. There is a voiceless affricate at the beginning and end

of the word church. The corresponding voiced affricate occurs at the beginning and

end of judge. In all these sounds the articulators (tongue tip or blade and alveolar

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16 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

ridge) come together for the stop and then, instead of coming fully apart, separate

only slightly, so that a fricative is made at approximately the same place of articula-

tion. Try to feel these movements in your own pronunciation of these words.

Words in English that start with a vowel in the spelling (like eek, oak, ark,

etc.) are pronounced with a glottal stop at the beginning of the vowel. This

“glottal catch” sound isn’t written in these words and is easy to overlook; but in

a sequence of two words in which the first word ends with a vowel and the sec-

ond starts with a vowel, the glottal stop is sometimes obvious. For example, the

phrase flee east is different from the word fleeced in that the first has a glottal

stop at the beginning of east.

Figure 1.8 The positions of the vocal organs in the bilabial stop in buy.

Figure 1.9 The positions of the vocal organs in the bilabial nasal (stop) in my.

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The Waveforms of Consonants 17

To summarize, the consonants we have been discussing so far may be

described in terms of five factors:

1. state of the vocal folds (voiced or voiceless);

2. place of articulation;

3. central or lateral articulation;

4. soft palate raised to form a velic closure (oral sounds) or lowered (nasal

sounds); and

5. manner of articulatory action.

Thus, the consonant at the beginning of the word sing is a (1) voiceless,

(2) alveolar, (3) central, (4) oral, (5) fricative; and the consonant at the end of

sing is a (1) voiced, (2) velar, (3) central, (4) nasal, (5) stop.

On most occasions, it is not necessary to state all five points. Unless a spe-

cific statement to the contrary is made, consonants are usually presumed to be

central, not lateral, and oral rather than nasal. Consequently, points (3) and (4)

may often be left out, so the consonant at the beginning of sing is simply called

a voiceless alveolar fricative. When describing nasals, point (4) has to be

specifically mentioned and point (5) can be left out, so the consonant at the end

of sing is simply called a voiced velar nasal.


At this stage, we will not go too deeply into the acoustics of consonants, simply

noting a few distinctive points about their waveforms. The places of articulation

are not obvious in any waveform, but the differences in some of the principal

Figure 1.10 The positions of the vocal organs in the palato-alveolar (post-alveolar)

fricative in shy.

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18 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

manners of articulation—stop, nasal, fricative, and approximant—are usually

apparent. Furthermore, as already pointed out, you can also see the differences

between voiced and voiceless sounds.

The top half of Figure 1.11 shows the waveform of the phrase My two boys

know how to fish, labeled roughly in ordinary spelling. The lower part shows the

same waveform with labels pointing out the different manners of articulation. The

time scale at the bottom shows that this phrase took about two and a half seconds.

Looking mainly at the labeled version in the lower part of the figure, you can

see in the waveform where the lips open after the nasal consonant in my so that

the amplitude gets larger for the vowel. The vowel is ended by the voiceless

stop consonant at the beginning of two, for which there is a very short silence

followed by a burst of noise as the stop closure is released. This burst is why the

oral stop consonants are called “plosives” in the International Phonetic Alphabet

chart. The vowel in two is followed by the voiced stop at the beginning of boys.

The voicing for the stop makes this closure different from the one at the begin-

ning of two, producing small voicing vibrations instead of a flat line. After the

vowel in boys, there is a fricative with a more nearly random waveform pattern,

although there are some voicing vibrations intermingled with the noise.

The waveform of the [ n ] in know is very like that of the [ m ] at the begin-

ning of the utterance. It shows regular glottal pulses, but they are smaller (have

nasal nasalvowel vowel vowel


closure closure


m y two b o y s knowhow to f i sh

burst burst




fricative fricative

h v

0 1.0 2.0 seconds

Figure 1.11 The waveform of the phrase My two boys know how to fish.

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The Articulation of Vowel Sounds 19

less amplitude) than those in the following vowel. The [ h ] that follows this vowel

is very short, with hardly any voiceless interval. After the vowel in how, there are

some further very short actions. There is hardly any closure for the [ t ], and the

vowel in to has only a few vocal fold pulses, making it much shorter than any of the

other vowels in the sentence. The fricative [ f ] at the beginning of fish is a little less

loud (has a slightly smaller amplitude) than the fricative at the end of this word.


In the production of vowel sounds, the articulators do not come very close to-

gether, and the passage of the airstream is relatively unobstructed. We can describe

vowel sounds roughly in terms of the position of the highest point of the tongue

and the position of the lips. (As we will see later, more accurate descriptions can

be made in acoustic terms.) Figure 1.12 shows the articulatory position for the

vowels in heed, hid, head, had, father, good, food. Of course, in saying these

words, the tongue and lips are in continuous motion throughout the vowels, as we

saw in the x-ray movie in demonstration 1.1 on the CD. The positions shown in

the figure are best considered as the targets of the gestures for the vowels.

Figure 1.12 The positions of the vocal organs for the vowels in the words 1 heed, 2 hid,

3 head, 4 had, 5 father, 6 good, 7 food. The lip positions for vowels 2, 3, and 4

are between those shown for 1 and 5. The lip position for vowel 6 is between

those shown for 1 and 7.

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20 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

As you can see, in all these vowel gestures, the tongue tip is down behind the

lower front teeth, and the body of the tongue is domed upward. Check that this

is so in your own pronunciation. You will notice that you can prolong the [ h ]

sound and that there is no mouth movement between the [ h ] and the following

vowel; the [ h ] is like a voiceless version of the vowel that comes after it. In the

first four vowels, the highest point of the tongue is in the front of the mouth. Ac-

cordingly, these vowels are called front vowels. The tongue is fairly close to the

roof of the mouth for the vowel in heed (you can feel that this is so by breathing

inward while holding the target position for this vowel), slightly less close for

the vowel in hid (for this and most other vowels it is difficult to localize the po-

sition by breathing inward; the articulators are too far apart), and lower still for

the vowels in head and had. If you look in a mirror while saying the vowels in

these four words, you will find that the mouth becomes progressively more open

while the tongue remains in the front of the mouth. The vowel in heed is classi-

fied as a high front vowel, and the vowel in had as a low front vowel. The height

of the tongue for the vowels in the other words is between these two extremes,

and they are therefore called mid-front vowels. The vowel in hid is a mid-high

vowel, and the vowel in head is a mid-low vowel.

Now try saying the vowels in father, good, food. Figure 1.12 also shows the

articulatory targets for these vowels. In all three, the tongue is close to the back

surface of the vocal tract. These vowels are classified as back vowels. The body

of the tongue is highest in the vowel in food (which is therefore called a high

back vowel) and lowest in the first vowel in father (which is therefore called a

low back vowel). The vowel in good is a mid-high back vowel. The tongue may

be near enough to the roof of the mouth for you to be able to feel the rush of cold

air when you breathe inward while holding the position for the vowel in food.

Lip gestures vary considerably in different vowels. They are generally closer

together in the mid-high and high back vowels (as in good, food), though in

some forms of American English this is not so. Look at the position of your

lips in a mirror while you say just the vowels in heed, hid, head, had, father,

good, food. You will probably find that in the last two words, there is a move-

ment of the lips in addition to the movement that occurs because of the lowering

and raising of the jaw. This movement is called lip rounding. It is usually most

noticeable in the inward movement of the corners of the lips. Vowels may be

described as being rounded (as in who’d) or unrounded (as in heed).

In summary, the targets for vowel gestures can be described in terms of three

factors: (1) the height of the body of the tongue; (2) the front–back position

of the tongue; and (3) the degree of lip rounding. The relative positions of the

highest points of the tongue are given in Figure 1.13. Say just the vowels in the

words given in the figure caption and check that your tongue moves in the pat-

tern described by the points. It is very difficult to become aware of the position

of the tongue in vowels, but you can probably get some impression of tongue

height by observing the position of your jaw while saying just the vowels in the

four words heed, hid, head, had. You should also be able to feel the difference

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The Sounds of Vowels 21

between front and back vowels by contrasting words such as he and who. Say

these words silently and concentrate on the sensations involved. You should feel

the tongue going from front to back as you say he, who. You can also feel your

lips becoming more rounded.

As you can see from Figure 1.13, the specification of vowels in terms of the

position of the highest point of the tongue is not entirely satisfactory for a number

of reasons. First, the vowels classified as high do not have the same tongue height.

The back high vowel (point 7) is nowhere near as high as the front vowel (point 1).

Second, the so-called back vowels vary considerably in their degree of backness.

Third, as you can see by looking at Figure 1.12, this kind of specification disre-

gards considerable differences in the shape of the tongue in front vowels and in

back vowels. Nor does it take into account the width of the pharynx, which varies

considerably and is not entirely dependent on the height of the tongue in different

vowels. We will discuss better ways of describing vowels in Chapters 4 and 9.


Studying the sounds of vowels requires a greater knowledge of acoustics than

we can handle at this stage of the book. We can, however, note some compara-

tively straightforward facts about vowel sounds. Vowels, like all sounds except

the pure tone of a tuning fork, have complex structures. We can think of them

as containing a number of different pitches simultaneously. There is the pitch at

which the vowel is actually spoken, which depends on the pulses being produced

by the vibrating vocal folds; and, quite separate from this, there are overtone

pitches that depend on the shape of the resonating cavities of the vocal tract.

These overtone pitches give the vowel its distinctive quality. We will enlarge on

this notion in Chapter 8; here, we will consider briefly how one vowel is distin-

guished from another by the pitches of the overtones.

Normally, one cannot hear the separate overtones of a vowel as distinguish-

able pitches. The only sensation of pitch is the note on which the vowel is said,

Figure 1.13 The relative positions of the highest points of the tongue in the vowels in

1 heed, 2 hid, 3 head, 4 had, 5 father, 6 good, 7 food.

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22 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

which depends on the rate of vibration of the vocal folds. But there are circum-

stances in which the overtones of each vowel can be heard. Try saying just the

vowels in the words heed, hid, head, had, hod, hawed, hood, who’d, making all

of them long vowels. Now whisper these vowels. When you whisper, the vocal

folds are not vibrating, and there is no regular pitch of the voice. Nevertheless,

you can hear that this set of vowels forms a series of sounds on a continuously

descending pitch. What you are hearing corresponds to a group of overtones that

characterize the vowels. These overtones are highest for the vowel in heed and

lowest for the vowel in either hawed, hood, or who’d. Which of the three vowels

is the lowest depends on your regional accent. Accents of English differ slightly

in the pronunciation of these vowels. You can hear Peter Ladefoged whispering

these vowels on the CD.

There is another way to produce something similar to this whispered pitch.

Try whistling a very high note, and then the lowest note that you can. You will

find that for the high note you have to have your tongue in the position for the

vowel in heed, and for the low note your tongue is in the position for one of the

vowels in hawed, hood, who’d. From this, it seems as if there is some kind of

high pitch associated with the high front vowel in heed and a low pitch associ-

ated with one of the back vowels. The lowest whistled note corresponds to the

tongue and lip gestures very much like those used for the vowel in who. A good

way to learn how to make a high back vowel is to whistle your lowest note pos-

sible, and then add voicing.

Another way of minimizing the sound of the vocal fold vibrations is to say

the vowels in a very low, creaky voice. It is easiest to produce this kind of voice

with a vowel such as that in had or hod. Some people can produce a creaky-

voice sound in which the rate of vibration of the vocal folds is so low you can

hear the individual pulsations.

Try saying just the vowels in had, head, hid, heed in a creaky voice. You

should be able to hear a change in pitch, although, in one sense, the pitch of all

of them is just that of the low, creaky voice. When saying the vowels in the order

heed, hid, head, had, you can hear a sound that steadily increases in pitch by

approximately equal steps with each vowel. Now say the vowels in hod, hood,

who’d in a creaky voice. These three vowels have overtones with a steadily de-

creasing pitch. You can hear Peter Ladefoged saying the vowels in the words

heed, hid, head, had, hod, hawed, hood, who’d in his British accent on the CD.

The first four of these vowels have a quality that clearly goes up in pitch, and the

last four have a declining pitch.

In summary, vowel sounds may be said on a variety of notes (voice pitches),

but they are distinguished from one another by two characteristic vocal tract

pitches associated with their overtones. One of them (actually the higher of the

two) goes downward throughout most of the series heed, hid, head, had, hod,

hawed, hood, who’d and corresponds roughly to the difference between front

and back vowels. The other is low for vowels in which the tongue position is

high and high for vowels in which the tongue position is low. It corresponds

CD 1.4

CD 1.4

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Suprasegmentals 23

(inversely) to what we called vowel height in articulatory terms. These charac-

teristic overtones are called the formants of the vowels, the one with the lower

pitch (distinguishable in creaky voice) being called the first formant and the

higher one (the one heard when whispering) the second formant.

The notion of a formant (actually the second formant) distinguishing vow-

els has been known for a long time. It was observed by Isaac Newton, who, in

about 1665, wrote in his notebook: “The filling of a very deepe flaggon with a

constant streame of beere or water sounds ye vowells in this order w, u, o, o, a,

e, i, y.” He was about twelve years old at the time. (The symbols used here are

the best matches to the letters in Newton’s handwriting in his notebook, which is

in the British Museum. They probably refer to the vowels in words such as woo,

hoot, foot, coat, cot, bait, bee, ye.) Fill a deep narrow glass with water (or beer!)

and see if you can hear something like the second formant in the vowels in these

words as the glass fills up.


Vowels and consonants can be thought of as the segments of which speech is

composed. Together they form the syllables that make up utterances. Super-

imposed on the syllables are other features known as suprasegmentals. These

include variations in stress and pitch. Variations in length are also usually con-

sidered to be suprasegmental features, although they can affect single segments

as well as whole syllables. We will defer detailed descriptions of the articulation

and the corresponding acoustics of these aspects of speech till later in this book.

Variations in stress are used in English to distinguish between a noun and

a verb, as in (an) insult versus (to) insult. Say these words yourself, and check

which syllable has the greater stress. Then compare similar pairs, such as

(a) pervert, (to) pervert or (an) overflow, (to) overflow. (Peter Ladefoged’s pro-

nunciation of these words can be found on the CD.) You should find that in the

nouns, the stress is on the first syllable, but in the verbs, it is on the last. Thus,

stress can have a grammatical function in English. It can also be used for con-

trastive emphasis (as in I want a red pen, not a black one). Stress in English is

produced by (1) increased activity of the respiratory muscles, producing greater

loudness, as well as by (2) exaggeration of consonant and vowel properties, such

as vowel height and stop aspiration, and (3) exaggeration of pitch so that low

pitches are lower and high pitches are higher.

You can usually find where the stress occurs on a word by trying to tap with

your finger in time with each syllable. It is much easier to tap on the stressed

syllable. Try saying abominable and tapping first on the first syllable, then on

the second, then on the third, and so on. If you say the word in your normal way,

you will find it easiest to tap on the second syllable. Many people cannot tap on

the first syllable without altering their normal pronunciation.

Pitch changes due to variations in laryngeal activity can occur independently

of stress changes. They are associated with the rate of vibration of the vocal

CD 1.5

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24 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

folds. Earlier in the chapter, we called this the “voice pitch” to distinguish be-

tween the characteristic overtones of vowels (“vocal tract pitches”) and the rate

of vocal fold vibration. Pitch of the voice is what you alter to sing different notes

in a song. Because each opening and closing of the vocal folds causes a peak of

air pressure in the sound wave, we can estimate the pitch of a sound by observ-

ing the rate of occurrence of the peaks in the waveform. To be more exact, we

can measure the frequency of the sound in this way. Frequency is a technical

term for an acoustic property of a sound—namely, the number of complete rep-

etitions (cycles) of a pattern of air pressure variation occurring in a second. The

unit of frequency measurement is the hertz, usually abbreviated Hz. If the vocal

folds make 220 complete opening and closing movements in a second, we say

that the frequency of the sound is 220 Hz. The frequency of the vowel [ a ] shown

in Figure 1.4 was 100 Hz, as the vocal fold pulses occurred every 10 ms (one-

hundredth of a second).

The pitch of a sound is an auditory property that enables a listener to place it

on a scale going from low to high, without considering its acoustic properties. In

practice, when a speech sound goes up in frequency, it also goes up in pitch. For

the most part, at an introductory level of the subject, the pitch of a sound may be

equated with its fundamental frequency, and, indeed, some books do not distin-

guish between the two terms, using pitch for both the auditory property and the

physical attribute.

The pitch pattern in a sentence is known as the intonation. Listen to the

intonation (the variations in the pitch of the voice) when someone says the sen-

tence This is my father. (You can either say the sentences yourself, or listen to

the recordings of it on the CD.) Try to find out which syllable has the highest

pitch and which the lowest. In most people’s speech, the highest pitch will oc-

cur on the first syllable of father and the lowest on the second, the last syllable

in the sentence. Now observe the pitch changes in the question Is this your

father? In this sentence, the first syllable of father is usually on a lower pitch

than the last syllable. In English, it is even possible to change the meaning of

a sentence such as That’s a cat from a statement to a question without altering

the order of the words. If you substitute a mainly rising for a mainly falling

intonation, you will produce a question spoken with an air of astonishment:

That’s a cat?

All the suprasegmental features are characterized by the fact that they must

be described in relation to other items in the same utterance. It is the relative

values of pitch, length, or degree of stress of an item that are significant. You

can stress one syllable as opposed to another irrespective of whether you are

shouting or talking softly. Children can also use the same intonation patterns

as adults, although their voices have a higher pitch. The absolute values are

never linguistically important. But they do, of course, convey information about

the speaker’s age, sex, emotional state, and attitude toward the topic under


CD 1.6

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Exercises 25


(Printable versions of all the exercises are available on the CD.)

A. Fill in the names of the vocal organs numbered in Figure 1.14.

1. 8.

2. 9.

3. 10.

4. 11.

5. 12.

6. 13.

7. 14.

Figure 1.14

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26 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

B. Describe the consonants in the word skinflint using the chart below. Fill in

all five columns, and put parentheses around the terms that may be left out,

as shown for the first consonant.

1 2 3 4 5

Voiced or Place of Central or Oral or Articulatory

voiceless articulation lateral nasal action

s voiceless alveolar (central) (oral) fricative






C. Figure 1.15 a–g illustrates all the places for articulatory gestures that we

have discussed so far, except for retroflex sounds (which will be illustrated

in Chapter 7). In the spaces provided below, (1) state the place of articula-

tion and (2) state the manner of articulation of each sound, and (3) give an

example of an English word beginning with the sound illustrated.

(1) Place of (2) Manner of (3) Example

articulation articulation








D. Studying a new subject often involves learning a large number of techni-

cal terms. Phonetics is particularly challenging in this respect. Read over

the definitions of the terms in this chapter before completing the exercises

below. Say each of the words, and listen to the sounds. Be careful not to be

confused by spellings. Using a mirror may be helpful.

1. Circle the words that begin with a bilabial consonant:

met net set bet let pet

2. Circle the words that begin with a velar consonant:

knot got lot cot hot pot

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Exercises 27

Figure 1.15 Sounds illustrating all the places of articulation discussed so far, except for

retroflex sounds.

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28 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

3. Circle the words that begin with a labiodental consonant:

fat cat that mat chat vat

4. Circle the words that begin with an alveolar consonant:

zip nip lip sip tip dip

5. Circle the words that begin with a dental consonant:

pie guy shy thigh thy high

6. Circle the words that begin with a palato-alveolar consonant:

sigh shy tie thigh thy lie

7. Circle the words that end with a fricative:

race wreath bush bring breathe bang

rave real ray rose rough

8. Circle the words that end with a nasal:

rain rang dumb deaf

9. Circle the words that end with a stop:

pill lip lit graph crab dog hide

laugh back

10. Circle the words that begin with a lateral:

nut lull bar rob one

11. Circle the words that begin with an approximant:

we you one run

12. Circle the words that end with an affricate:

much back edge ooze

13. Circle the words in which the consonant in the middle is voiced:

tracking mother robber leisure massive

stomach razor

14. Circle the words that contain a high vowel:

sat suit got meet mud

15. Circle the words that contain a low vowel:

weed wad load lad rude

16. Circle the words that contain a front vowel:

gate caught cat kit put

17. Circle the words that contain a back vowel:

maid weep coop cop good

18. Circle the words that contain a rounded vowel:

who me us but him

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Exercises 29

E. Define the consonant sounds in the middle of each of the following words as

indicated in the example:

Voiced or Place of Manner of voiceless articulation articulation

adder voiced alveolar stop











F. Complete the diagrams in Figure 1.16 so as to illustrate the target for the

gesture of the vocal organs for the first consonants in each of the following

words. If the sound is voiced, schematize the vibrating vocal folds by draw-

ing a wavy line at the glottis. If it is voiceless, use a straight line.

G. Figure 1.17 shows the waveform of the phrase Tom saw nine wasps.

Mark this figure in a way similar to that in Figure 1.11. Using just ordi-

nary spelling, show the center of each sound. Also indicate the manner of


H. Make your own waveform of a sentence that will illustrate different manners

of articulation. You can use the WaveSurfer application that is available on

the CD or download it at

I. Recall the pitch of the first formant (heard best in a creaky voice) and the

second formant (heard best when whispering) in the vowels in the words

heed, hid, head, had, hod, hawed, hood, who’d. Compare their formants to

those in the first parts of the vowels in the following words:

First formant similar to Second formant similar

that in the vowel in: to that in the vowel in:




CD 1.6

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30 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

Figure 1.16

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Exercises 31




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32 CHAPTER 1 Articulation and Acoustics

J. In the next chapter, we will start using phonetic transcriptions. The following

exercises prepare for this by pointing out the differences between sounds and


How many distinct sounds are there in each of the following words? Circle

the correct number.1. laugh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. begged 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. graphic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. fishes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6. fished 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. batting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. quick 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. these 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. physics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11. knock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. axis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

K. In the following sets of words, the sound of the vowel is the same in every

case but one. Circle the word that has a different vowel sound.

1. pen said death mess mean

2. meat steak weak theme green

3. sane paid eight lace mast

4. ton toast both note toes

5. hoot good moon grew suit

6. dud died mine eye guy

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 seconds

Figure 1.17 The waveform of the phrase Tom saw nine wasps.

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What is the difference between articulatory and acoustic phonetics? ›

Articulatory phonetics: the production of speech sounds. Acoustic phonetics: the physical way speech sounds travel. Auditory phonetics: the way people perceive speech sounds.

What is articulation in acoustics? ›

Articulation is a musical parameter that determines how a single note or other discrete event is sounded. Articulations primarily structure an event's start and end, determining the length of its sound and the shape of its attack and decay. They can also modify an event's timbre, dynamics, and pitch.

Why is acoustic phonetics important? ›

Learning acoustic phonetics is of great significance for language teachers in their pronunciation teaching and speech therapists in assessment and planning of remediation. There are four acoustic properties of speech sounds: frequency, time, amplitude, and formant.

What are the three types of articulatory phonetics? ›

Articulatory Phonetics
  • Initiation: Setting air in motion through the vocal tract.
  • Phonation: The modification of airflow as it passes through the larynx (related to voicing).
  • Articulation: The shaping of airflow to generate particular sound types (related to manner)
  • In English we have both voiced and voiceless sounds.

What are examples of acoustic phonetics? ›

A tuning fork being struck can provide an example of the pressure fluctuations in the air and how the air particles oscillate (move in one direction rhythmically) when we perceive sound.

What is acoustic phonetics pdf? ›

Acoustic phonetics deals with the physical aspects of speech sounds associated with the production and perception of speech. Acoustic measurement techniques can be used by speech-language pathologists to assess and treat a variety of speech disorders.

What are the acoustic phonetic characteristics? ›

The basic acoustic phonetic parameters are specified as gap, voice bar, broad-band continuous spectrum, the frequencies of the vowel and consonant formants, the amplitudes of the vowel and consonant formants, and the frequencies of the consonant antiresonances.

Why is acoustics important for speech? ›

In order to understand and evaluate the speech, it is important to have at least a basic understanding of science of speech acoustics: how the acoustics of speech are produced, how they are described, and how differences, both between speakers and within speakers, arise in an acoustic output.

What is the difference between auditory phonetics and acoustic phonetics? ›

There are three main branches of phonetics: articulatory phonetics examines how sounds are produced; acoustic phonetics studies the physical properties of sounds; and auditory phonetics looks at how sounds are perceived. English sounds are classified into two categories - consonants and vowels.

What is the main difference between articulatory phonetics and phonology? ›

Phonetics is the study of speech sounds as physical entities (their articulation, acoustic properties, and how they are perceived), and phonology is the study of the organization and function of speech sounds as part of the grammar of a language.

What is meant by articulatory phonetics? ›

Articulatory phonetics is the branch of phonetics concerned with describing the speech sounds of the world's languages in terms of their articulations, that is, the movements and/or positions of the vocal organs (articulators).

What is the articulatory and acoustic classification of English consonants? ›

The manner of articulation makes it possible to distinguish occlusive (/p, b, t, d, k, g/), constrictive (/f, v, s, z, e, d, /, ) consonants and affricates ( /t/,d3/). In turn, occlusive consonants may be two types: plosiyes or stops, in the production of which noise is essentual and sonant's or sonorant's /m,n, q/.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.