The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

r'- 22 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1930 Arrests Total 86, 'Callahan Reports Record One of Lowest in Years; Drunkenness Shows Decline. nit 3 A arc to choose from the simpler one piece styles, while the advanced groups are not. limited in their selection, but encouraged to choose a style more intricate than those previously, made. Other classes in dressmaking 'either beginners or, advanced groups will be formed at any of the centers it the enrolment warrants. The heginners' food classes will start their dinner unit.

The advanced foods course will include large quantity cookery and special diets. Another home nursing class will he conducted at any one of the centers if there Is sufficient enrolment. Anyone desirIng to enter classes may register nt any one of the schools mentioned on Monday or Tuesday evenings. United Presbyterian. New members will be publicly welcomed into the fellowship of the I'reshyterian Church Sunday morning, and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper will be administered by Rev.

AVilliam Watson Reid. The pastor will give a communion address on the topic: "Jesus, the Bread of Life." At the evening verylees the sermon topic chosen is "Reginning the New Year Right." The trustees will meet in the church on Monday night and on Tuesday night, the ladies' aid society will meet. The Philalethian Society will meet with. nue Miss evening, Sadie Tuesday Jan. Smith 10, at of morning.

8 43 o'clock On Belmont an a Friday enter- Avetainment and a one -act play, "So's Your Aunt Anna," will be given in the church by the members the Progressive Class. The funeral of Mira. Mary Ogozalek was held from the home at 9,30 o'clock masso of requiem in St. Stanislaus' yesterday followed by solemn high Church at 10 o'clock. Rev: Timothy Andiusiak was celebrant, Rev.

Gabriel Ignaszak was deacon and Rev. Alex Robaczewski subdeacon. Rev. John Kurowski officiated at the in St. Stanislaus' Cemetery.

The funeral of Urs. Natalie Jojko was held from the home. 14 Garter Rom, yesterday followed doy Migh ma of requiem 'in St. Stanislaus' Church, Rev. Lawrence Cyman offic Wing.

Burial was in St. Stanislaus' Cemetery, Fr. Cyman officiating. The Young People's Fellowship of Grace Church will sponsor a series of whist. parties.

the first to ta place in the parish rooms at 8.30 o'clock, Jan. 9. Attractive prizes will be awarded and a grand will be given at the end of a series. of five whist partico, The funeral William M. Rogers of 38 Hilton Street, Chicopee will be held in the First Baptist Church Saturday afternoonoat 2.30 o'clock.

Rey. M. J. Jones will officiate Burial will be in Fairview Lost -Pair of light colored driving gloves, in vicinity of Stearns Terrace and Le Clarre Terrace, Chicopee. Call Chicopee 1446-W.

Reward. 0. '0 It not too late to Join the 1930 Christmas the Chicopee Falls Savings Bank. In today and start with A small deposit. Keep it up everv and the Christmas Club check tr ou will receive next Decembe will be worth while.

East Longmeadow OBSERVE TERCENTENARY 6 morrow Ontlook. Rer. C. P. Hanson Win Preach To.

EAST LONGMEADOW, Jan. 3-in observance of the tercentenary of, the winding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Rev Hanson, pastor of the Baptist 'Church, will preach Sunday morning on Puritan Outs look." Communion will be observed. "A Message from Heaven," will be the theme of Rev. B. W.

Rust's sermon Sunday morning in the Method dist Church. "The Crown of Life." will be the topic of the pastor's sermon at the evening service at Services will be held in St. Michale's Chur d. Sunday morning at 8 and 10 o'clock VALUATION DROPS Property List Shows Loss of $121,555 to Auto Tax. Board of LONGE sors report a loss of EAST Jan.

3-The $124,555, in personal property valuation, compared with the year 1928. This losa is largely due to the automobile excise tax, which removes automobiles from the personal property list, and makes there subject to a tax rate fixed by the State. 1930 excise dax rate will be $29.13 per thousand, as compared with a rate of $29.63 in 1920. While theo money ralsed by the 1929 excise tax will ultimately return to the town treasury it could not be calculated in advance as a part of the 1929 tax levy, and hence WAS a factor in ralsing the local tax rate last year. It is hoped that a lower property tax rate can be secured for 1930.

5 Center Honor Roll. The following pupils are on the honor Center School Elliott Wood, Virginia Bowles, Edward Skiffington, Mexander Gordon. Sanford Nooney, Elbert Ernest Ferrero, Charles Collis, Lust, Mary Alice Robert Kenyon, Jane Rose Letendre, Dorothy Page, Margaret Young. Doris Rauh, Fred Glaeser, Elwin Moore, Genley, evaoLasares, Jane Meade, FdithO owAnnamae Christianson, Eileen Downey, Re Alice Chandier, Millicent Preston, Barbar Gallison. Frank Bradley, Eula Frazier, Jennie Barbara Malinowsky, Fortha Norman, Wood.

Annabell Bennett, Borcas Laviolette, Phyllis Roy St. Jean, Dorothy Woodward. Stuart of Gates Avenue 1c6 today for Schenectady. N. to resume his st gales at Union folles.

Piano Today. 6 The pupils of Miss Marion Clark will piano, recital Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Gark in Pleasant Street. The parents he guests. The following will a part in the Barbara Wood, Gene Bennett, Barbara Gallison, James Revland, William Rowland, Henry Goodrich, Jane Donozhue, PauP Bates, Mildred HoMing, Emily Howard, Lauraine Howard. Virginia Bowles, Beatrice Bowles, Elinor Peabody and Louse Warner.

The performers will be entertained with a party by Miss Clark. 8 Pleasant View Honors, The following pupils are on the honor of Pleasant View School: Virginia Bean, Donald Shaw, Frank Rudock, Dorothy Ramey, Lucille Ruddock, Charles 1. Knox, Arlene RamLucille Sias, Eleanor Peabody, Sally Ann Robinson, Lillian Avery, Anita Kerr, Florence Rottotti, Mary Kandyasky, Maria Biggiano, Rollin Baldwin, Runo Palmquite, Cyril Sias, Robert Ramey, Margaret Pillgian, William Thomas, Rita LaBelle, Ruth Johnson, Alice Ruddock and Winifred Gordon. Mrs. Charles Nordine of Elm Street is visiting in Bridegnort, where she is a guest of DIr.

and John Barry. Charles Page and Jerry Hanson are on the honor list of Baptist Village school. At the annual meeting of the Congregational Church held Thursday evening the resignation of T. Davis Preston, pastor of the church was accepted, to take effect on March 1. The community Bible study class met this afternoon in the home of Mrs.

R. A. Cope of North Main Street. Gilbert Shaw of Avenue is ill of heart trouble. The monthly meeting of the Dorcas Guild held today in the vestry the Congregational Church was well tended.

The working session wag devoted to sewing. Luncheon was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Cyril Wood, Mrs. Albert Christianson and Miss Lena McIntosh. Delegates Arrive i from Philippines Commission in Washington Seeking Full Independence for Islands.

WASHINGTON, Jan. arrived here today to prepare Philippine independence 'commission gresslonal commino hearings on various independence resolutions, The first hearing will be held before the Senate Territories Committee. Jan. 15 The commission gent to strive for. liberation tho islands included pine House of Representatives and Manuel to Roads, speaker of the Castillo, minority commission Manila leader head; of attorney, the Dr.

and House; Marcial Jose (11, Lichauco, technical advisers to the Arriving the Onion Station at 8 a. m. the commissioners were greeted by a large group of Washington Fillpinos headed by Pedro Guevara, senior resident commissioner, and Mra. Roxas, why came to Washington from 3. European tour recently to await ner husband's arrival.

Woman Held for. Taking Fur Coat WOrth $3000 Belonged to J. Morgan's NEW YORK, Jan. 3-(AP) A woraan who allegedly exchanged a cheap coat for Anne Morgan's 84000 Che- without Miss Megan's knowledge was in the lineup at police, head. quarters today charged with grand larceny, The 'coat.

owned by Miss Morgan, a sister of J. P. Morgan, has been recovered. The wena gave her name as Irene Thompson, 27, and said she had been arrested or larceny in Prookline.o 8, the name of Mabel Smith acd had served 6 prison term. Miss Morgan's coat was taken from a hallway of the American Women's Association Clubhouse in Test FiftyStreet while the was meeting of the association of which she is president.

Police Head Takes Issue with Expert Travers of Milton Says Bomb Found Near Juror's Contained G. MILTON, Jan. 3-(AP) Chief Tames R. Travers of the Milton police today took issue with Chares Van Amberg, state firearms expert, yesterday pronounced a bomb found near the home of Lovi9 J. McHardy, SaccoVanzetti Juror, as Travers said the bomb contained about a pound and a half We black powder and was equipped wit pa timing device.

The purported bomb was found two days ago, in a vacant lot about 200 Prds away from DicHardy's home. The timing device was set at 12 o'clock presumably midnight. according to Chief Travers, but failed to explode because the clock stopped at 11.10. He said he did not believe seridamage would have resulted if the bomb had exploded and that he WAS inclined to believe it was intended as a New Year's Eve prank. Mcliardy's home virtually destroyed by a bomb in August, 1927, when Sacco- Vanzetti agitation at its hight, but was rebuilt by funds public- Captain of Ford's O.

Boat Admits Error Capt. Anderson Testifies He Was on Wrong Course When Yacht Grounded. PROVIDENCE, Jan. 38-(AP) Capto Oscar S. Andersgn, commander of Edsel B.

Ford's motor yacht Sialia, at the conclusion of his hearing today' before the local board of United fAtes steamboat inspectors that he was I steering the wrong course on the night, Cof Dec. 5 when the assel ground81 on liens and Chickens Reef in Buzzards Bay. a Facing trial on A charge of negligence, Capt. Andersoe appeared only a previOus hearing on Dec. 13, which slightly improved over his condition at de had to be postponed when appeared that the master would collapse because of nervousness.

His testimony today was given in almost A Whisper, and at times of he failed Robert answer B. the questions Capt. Clark and Richard F. Bailey, members of the board. The case was taken, under atlrisem*nt.

THREE EXECUTED IN CALIFORNIA Two Die for Prison Break, One for Killing in Bank Holdup. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2- (Ar) Three 011 the wallows in California, today. Anthony Brown and Roy E. Stokes were executed at Folsom Prison for participation in the fatal riot there on Thanksgiving Day, 1027, while Louls Lazarus, convicted robber, was hanged at San Quentin Penitentiary.

Brown and Stokes, two of six convicts sentenced to death as ring leade15 of the Folsom outbreak which costly 11 lives, exhibited an air of to the last and died unflinchingly. They refused the minostrations of the prison chaplain. Lazarus walked up the scaffold with a sickly smile on his face. Lazarus was sentenced to death for slaying William McFarlin, a teller, in an attempted robbery of the Seventh Street Branch. of the Oakland Bank In 1928, ENVOY SKETCHES JAPAN'S POLICIES ON NAVY SLASHES Will Ask London Parley for 70 Per Cent Cruiser Tonnage and Retention of Submarines.

LONDON, Jan. 3-(AP) Reijiro formerly prime minister and now chief Japanase delegate to the forthcoming London disarmament naval conference today outlined 10 newspapermen Japanese policies at the conference. lie said that Japan wag' going to the forthcoming negotiations with a demand for a 70 per cent cruiser tonof submarines as a necessary nage, would insist upon the weapon and would be willing to consider prolongation of the age limits of capital ships if this should be proposed. crusier ratio the conference as "Is Japan putting, the 70 per cent a demand or is this figure to be used principally as a basis for argument?" the former premier was asked. MP Wakatsuki hesitated, smiled and replied: "Both." He also said that the Japanese delegation did not intend to bring up the Singapore base in the conference wand a a a also that the question Japan wot concur in a three or four power treaty had not been considered as it believed a five power agreement most probable.

Regarding freedom of the seas, the Japanese delegate said: "Japan in favor of the freedom of the set 'in principle, but this involved so many principles of interpational law that one must refrain from going into details. Permit Is Given for Power Line Grafton Power Company Distribute Power in and About Boston. CONCORD, N. Jan. 3-(AP) Permission was today granted the Grafton Power Company by the New Hampshire Public Service to transmission line from its plants at Fifteen Mile Falls through New Hampshire to 6 the Massachusetts Ane.

The development is located at Littleton and Monroe and the line will pass through 30 towns and cities, a distance of miles. Over this transmission line from the development Which cost about 000,000 the company plans to petter for points in distribution And to about Massachu- Boston through the Edison Electric Illumi-9 nating Company. The Commission. in granting authority. inserted the provision that X- port of power would be allowed only on the condition that authority "shall become null and void upon failure of Grafton Power Company to conrm to the lawful orders" the Public Seroce Commission.

Grafton Powers Company intends transmit its power to Te bury, over a high tension line Rt 220,000 volts. Tewksbury the voltage Piu be stepped. down and to subsidiaries of the Na England Power Association. The development is capable, according to engineers, of producing 500.000 primary kilowatt hours and 10,000.000 hours. In discussing export of power, the Commission points out thy such export is permitted fit in the State there is no available market at fair rates for.

engrgy." Lighter Rainfall in 1930 Is Seen 6 Reduced Crops, Better Radio Weather, Forest Fire Danger, Predicted. OTTAWA, Jan. 3-(AP) Lighter rainfall, reduced crops. better radio reception, greater danger from forest fires. fewer electrical storms and increased fur production--these are some of possibilities suggested by an for this year.

toDo Ralph Observatory E. looks Delury for of a the lessening Dominof the sun's ultra -violet rays. While to' make definite predictions on account of the vagaries the sun's activities investigatic leads him to believe 1930 will see a reduction in rainfall with the many results which that entails. forms electrical transmission improve when ultra -violet rays are weak. Static is lessened and radio receptiou is favorably affected.

Aurora Borealia, which obstructs long distance telegraphic becomes infrequent. Dr. Delury's expectation of a bumper wheat crop in 1928 at the gun spot peak war followed by the greatest production of any year in Canadian history. Chicago's Budget Receives Big Cut Slash of 7 Per Cent in Appropriations for Police and Fire Departments. CHICAGO, Jan.

3- (AP) After weeks of "controversy Chicago's porate budget was adopted early today with a per cent cut in appropriations for the Fire and l'olice Departments. Although opposing aldermen laimed the cut would Jop 704 policemen off the payroll, effective at once. propoments of the decreased budget argued that present manpower in both departments could be maintained by extra income from pending claims. A -minute attempt to substitute the 1929 budget of $60,000,000 was badly defeated and adoption of the $55,264,140 figure for 1930 immediatefollowed. Passage of the budget ended fears of city employes that they would be unable to collect their pay, checks on Jan.

15. Legal Notices ON AND AFTER SATURDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1929, I will be responsible for billy contracted by myself only. EDMOND GRISWOLD.

Deer 20,. Jam 11 The Union's 7. Want Ads Start Here Today, Legal Notices OFFICE OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Springtield, January 2, 1930. The annual meeting of the above-named Company will be held at its lome Wednes- Office, 1295 State Street, Springfeld, on day, the 15th day of January, 1930, at two o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving and acting upon the annual report for the year ended December 31, 1929, the consideration of amendmenta to the By-Laws of said Company, the election of Directors and the transaction of any other business which may legally come before said meeting. S.

J. JOINSON. Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS Florists CUT FLOWERS and floral designs for ail occasions. Wenck Florist, 128 Hanco*ck St.

Tel. 2-1388. Personals 9 GENTLEMAN wishes to drive South with private family; familiar with all road? 3-7026. Lost and Found 10 BLUE CROSS -Found beagle hound pup. Home needed female part bull pup.

4-5787. BLACK EVENING SLIPPER lost of auto New Year' Eve. Tel. 2-0733. FOX HOUND, small black and tan, lost In West Granville, Tel.

Ludlow 114-11; reward HUNTING DOG: found; female, white, black And brown. 44 King No. Agawam. LADY'S POCKETBOOK -Buckingbam and State reward. 4-3249.

LEBOEUF fountain pen, without top, brown and gold, lost: reward. Call 3-9632. LITTLE tan beret tam lost in F. rest Dial 4-9153. SUM OF MONEY in envelope lost Monday.

Reward. Call 3-4673 after 6,30 p. m. WEDDING RING FOUND at Stearns Initials and date of wedding. Write Box 51.

Holyoke BranciO Union Office, Holyoke, Mass. WILLARD BATTERY LOST between Hanco*ck St. and Water Sho on Central St. Li. MI.

Gosselin, Central Barber Shop. Tel. 3-7590. AUTOMOBILES Automobile Dealers AUBURN SALES AND BLAND'S. 611 MAIN TEL.

3-4450. HUDSON-ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE. Tel. 3-9848; open evenings and Surdays Highlar Auto 28 3.9548 Automobiles for Sale A REAL SALE OF USED CARS Tre must sell these cars At once at much less than sprint prices. Look them over compare with any cars in town.

PERFECT CONDITION. GUARANTEED. Essex, 'late 1928 model, Coaches, Coupes, Roadsters and Sedans $315 Hudson Brougham 1926. 325 Hudson 1927 Coach. 425 Chrysler 1926 Coach 300 5 GOOD CARS AT $25 EACH 5 GOOD CARS AT $93 EACH BRIGHTWOOD GARAGE 2921 MAIN ST.

TEL. 4-1819 Evenings and Sunday 0 ARTHUR SAUERS USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Nash Coach. Special Six 1929 haippet 6 Landau Sedan 1921 10 A Sedan 1937 Willys- Knight 66 Sedan 1926 Whippet 6 De Luxe Sedan 1929 (rippet 4 Sedan Chevrolet Coach Sedan 1929 Whippet Distrib tor. 138 Memorial W.

S. Tel. 23611. BUICK and used cars, sedans. coupes.

coaches. touring Springfeld Buick 630 Main St Tel. 2-4126. Open evenings. CADILLAC Imperial 1929, In perfect condition: reason for selling.



Sedan. practically A new car at a big reduction $2800 1927-5-pass. Sedan, 6 disc wheels, a woNderful family car, A 1 mechanically, Ane anpearance. When you see it you'll ant It $1100 A FEW MORTS CADILLACS. L.A, SALLES.

1925-5-pass. Sedan, 16 all that La Salle stands for in Ane motor cars Sedan. Very appearance and mechanical naition. SARS OF OTHER MANUFACTURE. Franklin Sedan 1926- pass.

Paige Sedan 276 Chandler Sedan 1929-5-pass. Auburn. 115, 8 1200 Graham 760 Studebaker Sedan 730 Jordan Sedan 430 Jordan Sedan 159. Pontiac Coach 600 Hudson Coach 350 Oakland Coach 695 1927-Dodge Conv. Coupe 400 Your Present Car Accepted In Trade, G.



CHEVROLET OLD USED CARS ARE BOUGIT HERE WITH CONFIDENCE INVENTORY SALE NE Very car In stock hAS been generously reduced price. Jere 13 your chance to buv car at A reasonable price. Come in and your selection COW. CHEVROLETS--ALL MODELS 1925 to 1929 Inclusive FORD TOWN CAR 1323 CHRYSLER COACII 1928 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1926 OLDS DE LUXE SEDAN BROUGHAM 1923 PIERCE- ARROW SEDA 1922 Many Others- All Makes V. REOPELL.

Oldest Established Chevrolet Dealer in New England. Used Car Dept. 585 MAIN ST. Tel. CHEVROLET COUPE.

1928-Original luster, 2 bumpers, spare tire, many other extras, $100 down. $35 per month. Younk Motor 1837 Main St Tel. 6-0638. CHEVROLET 1-TON TRUCK--Panel body, Al condition, driven 12.000 miles, cheap for quick sale.

Tel. 3-7918. CHEVROLET41929 convertible coupe, jike new car in every respect. The only one in the territory at this price. $595.

Century Motors. 629 Main St. 6-1826. DODGE 1927, Panel body truck, excellent condition, new, rubber, $250. Tel.

2-2113 DODGE satisfaction guaranteed Used Cars Ray Augur, Dodge Dealer, 899 Main St. 4-8755. DODGE reconditioned cars Kuarantee dependable transportation. Williams Motor Cales Coy 605 Columbus Tel. 4-4251.

if AUTOMOBILES Arrests by Chicopee police in December totaled 86, onroof the lowest numbers on record, according to the monthly report by Chief Frank O' Cal lahan. Police found drunkenness had considerably decreased And it was only necessary to make 27 arrests for this reason. Crimes against the person made it necessary to make 12 arrests and crimes against property such Ag larand entering and trescassinprecaused 33 other arresta. The vice squad apprehended three for liquor law violations the traffic squad held 16 persons. City Sealer of Weights and Measures James A.

Rag. ley broke into the arrest column with three offenders. Four autos were reported stolen and three were recovered. Thirty-three reports of property damage to autos accidents were and in all C7 persons were injured in motor vehicle accidents. Four breaks were reported during the month an 1 liquor raids made.

The police found 33 store doors unsecured and two windows unlocked. One fire as discovered by a patrolman. CARTER BECOMES KIWANIS- PRESIDENT Committees for Year Are Named Following Instalation Exercises. N. P.

Ames Carter was installed Thursday as president of the wanis Club for 1930 a will direct the affairs of the local service club during this year. Frank ME. Beesley, who has served as secretary since the club was organized, was returned t8 office. The officers installed are as follows: President, N. P.

Ames Carter; diate past president, Christopher A. FitzGerald; vice-presidents, John F. Kennedy and Nelson B. Carter; Secretary Frank Beesley; treasurer, Frank C. Flint; district trustee, Joseph G.

Roy: directors. John F. Gilrein, Joseph A. Nowak. Daniel G.

Gucfa, R. and William Charles J. Golden, Riviere. Albert gavel Carter, former- President Mr. after he took over the pher A.

FitzGerald annuonced committee appointments. They are as follows: Reception committee. Fred Patterson, chairman; Daniel P. Haskins, Charles A. Ludien; classification committee, Frank M.

Beesley, Chairman; Elliott Bosworth, John B. Higgins, Emerson G. Gaylord, Frank Cobb, John A. Coulter, Richard Witherell and Albert E. Taylor; house committee, Christopher FitzGerald, chairman, Robert 'A.

Bowman, Luke Meehan, Emile and Fred J. Wood; music committee, Joseph G. chairman, Damel F. F. Gucfa, George H.

Miller oThomas F. F. Donegan, Joseph M. Grise, Arthur C. Tovey, Ralph A.

Weeks, George P. Dion, Frank J. Janik and George Stephens; education committee, Frank C. Flint, chairman, John F. Kennedy, John J.

Desmond, Edward F. McDonnell, Eugene J. O'Neil, ty and Mgr. John F. Conlin; publicity committee, Joseph R.

Hastings, chairman, Charles P. LaRiviere and Daniel F. Gucfa. Interclub relations committee, Nelson B. Carter, chairman; William A.

Andrews, John E. Grandeld, George H. Miller, Joseph G. Roy, Henry J. Rege and Thomas F.

Donegan; public affairs committee, Charles IV. chairman; Albert E. Taylor, Eugene J. O'Neil, and Roy P. Miles; Anance committee.

Preston Pond, chairman: J. Fuller, Anthony Stonina and Dana S. Courtney; attendance committee, Austin C. Morse, chairman; Fred E. Patterson, William J.

Lilley and Alfred Dunlop. Program committee, R. S. Hildreth. chairman: Christopher A.

FitzGerald. John F. Kennedy and Roy P. Benedict; good will and suggestions committee, James F. Bachelor, chairman; Joseph G.

Roy, Eugene J. O'Neil, and Everett H. Aking; laws ani committee, Stanley F. Jorczak, chairman; John P. Kira Joseph A.

Nowak and Anthony Coure; united charity committee, Stanley F. Jorczak, chairman: John J. Desmond, Frank M. Beesley, John F. Konnedy, Arthur C.

Tovey and Charles W. Bray: underprivileged child, John J. Desmond, chairman; Samuel E. John F. Gilrein, Roy B.

Mahoney, Henry J. X. Tessier, John I. C. Gallagher, Frank Deroin, William J.

Golden and Dolor J. Hebert: committee to visit cite inCharles stitutions P. and report on conditions, chairman; John F. Gilrein, William A. Andrews, Frank C.

mittee Flint to and William J. Golden; comreport on sick members and to suggest visits if desirable, John F. Gilrein, chairman: Eugene J. O'Neil, Frank C. Cobb and Joseph A.

Nowak; chairman, G. A. Coulter.o Automobiles for Sale DEPENDABLE USED CARS AND TRUCKS. STANDARD MOTOR SALES. 316 CHESTNUT ST.

4-4883. DE SOTO SIX--EIGHT 1929 De Soto Six. Used by manager. 1924 Dodge Coupe, 1327 Hudson Sedan. 1028 Essex Coach.

1927 Ford Coupe. 191 Chrysler Sedan. 1926 Chevrolet Coach 926 Chevrolet Coupe. Packard Tour. 10 Bargains, $50 to $200, PIONEER MOTOR CO.

808 Main St. 2-7732-2-1045. (Between Fremont and Margaret Sta.) ESSEX COACH. 1926.. perfect condition.

new tires: $100. terms. 3-8998. FORD TRUCK 1923, model with rack body and auxiliary transmission. Tel.

2-2495: after 6 p. m. Tel. 6-0446. FORD MODEL A COUPE LIKE BRAND NEW WILIO SACRIFICE.

CALL 3-8211 FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! REPOS ESSEI6 FORDS. 1929 Ford Coach, color dark blue, run than 3000 miles, $450; 1929 Runabout, $350 1923 Coupe, 4000 miles; 1928 Coupe, $350; 1929 Coach, $350: 0928 Ford Touring, $325; 1929 Ford Runabout, alip on body, $360; 1929 Chevrolet Coach, $450. Cash or 1 year to pay. D. N.

Ackerman, 48 Willow St. 1929 Sport Coupe, small mileage $475 FORDS 1928 Business Coupe, excellent 28: 1929 Cabriolet, like brand new 550 1928 1927 Coach 160 1927 Coupe 150 1926 Coupe 90 Others, all models, both pleasure and trucks, with varlous. type bodies, priced right, easy terms. uto sales Ford Agents. 95 Liberty St.

Open Evenings. G. M. C. 1928 2-ton chassis with special van body, $1600.

General Motors Truck 781 Worthington St. GUARANTEED Used. Cara, large ment: all prices. Brightwood Garage, 29244 Main St. Tel 4-1819.

GRAHAM -PAIGE. 1929 Graham- Paige Sedan. 1928 Chevrolet Sedan. 1927 Chevrolet Fedan. 1927 Buick Sedan.

GRAHAM -PAIGE Used Car Dept. HUDSON-ESSEX used cars; several to choose com. all models. Fitzgerald, 18-22 1 Is wdoin Ter. Tel.

4-1419. GENDEN BROTHERS. Price Reduction Sale. Our Inventory must he cut down by January 15. Buy Dow.

The prices bave been reduced to a minimum. 1926 Auburn Coupe. 1930 Buick Sedan 4-door. 1928 Buick Mas. 6 Sedan 5-pass.

1938 Buick Mas 6 Roadster. 01927 Ruick Mas. 6 Sedan 5-0488. 1927 Buick Stan. 6 Sedan 6-pass.

1927 Stan. Sedan 2-door. 1926 Buick Stan. Sedan 2-der (2). 1925 Bulck Stan.

6 Sedan 2-door. 1927 Chrysler 60 Roadster. 1926 Dodge Coupe. 1939 Hudson Coach. 1923 Nash 2-door Sedan Adv.

6. 1926 Packard 5-pars Sedan. 1925 Packard 4-pass! Coupe. GENDEN BROS. 2387 Main St.

Tel. 6-5481. 2660 Main St. Tel. 4-6494.

6) HUDSON TO Sedan, 1926 model. exgood condition, $290. Phone 6-5315 6-5487. HUDSON 1926 Coach, excellent condition, good rubber, $225, Main St. Tel.

HUDSON-ESSEX Essex '30 Coach, demonstrator. Pontic '27 Sedan, extra good $375 Essex '27 Coach, very good $275 Pontiac '30 Sedan, new, off list 200 Pontlac '23 nearly new 565 Pontiac '28 extra good 495 Pontiac Coach. extra good 485 Whippet 9 Roadster, nearly new 450 Oakland '20 Coach, good 376 Chevrolet Touring. very good 295 TERMS TO SUIT-12 MONTHS TO PAY Tour Car First Payment. Plates, Insurance Sale VISIT OUR RADIO DEPARTMENT B.

BRADY. INC. Chestnut St. 579 Main St. Two Stores.

HUPMOBILE 1927, 6 ugham, new paint. new tires, me perfect. Prire originally $1576: not $200 down. yoke Chrysler Agency, 509 Canal St. Tel.

Holyoke 4207. LINCOLN 1923 TOWN SEDAN- -One ownr. Mechanically perfect, good Duco, tires. A good honest buv. Rox 2128, Union Office.

68 Sedan, driven 5000 miles; Essex Challenger coach Essex dan, 1929:. Essex coupe. 1928; many othe Zabek Motor Dial SEDAN. 19290 Advnaced Six, 6 disc wheel and many extras. privately owned: will trade.

Call Mrs Wilson. 0 NASH. Rellable Teed Cars at lowest prices ever off ted. Visit our new used ca display room at 12 Mason At. Don't delay--act now! 6 NASHES.

(O 1929 "400" A Advanced Six Sedan. 1929 400" Special Six Sedan. 1929 400" Standard 6ix Sedan. Six Sedan. 9 1928 Standard Six Sedan.

OTHER MAKES. 8 Dodge Sedan. 1928 Stud Distator Sedan. 1928 Whippet Sedan 1927 Essex Coupe. 1927 gulck Master Victoria.

Many Others. ORR MOTOR COMPANY. 12 Mason St, 0 0 0 Tel. 6-5487. At Winchester Square.

OVERLAND 6 COACH- Excellent, Pondac '27. very nice, $250: Jewett 24. excellent. $125. Belwhite Garage, Tel.

PACKARD 7-P'ass touring. inodel 1-48, good pa new res. motor Just overhauled, price $450. Box 943, Union PAIGE BROUGHAM- Sell or each smaller car, 3-3235. 283 We tAeld Mittineague.

PIERCE-ARROW 1-passenger touring, splendid condition. good' robber, Springfield Peer 593 Main St. 3-7927 P'ONTIAC COUPE 1928, very condispecial price, $395; lissex roach, $425. Manson 580 Belmont at the X. 2-9647.

REO DEPARTMENT. A choice selection of high-grade used cars that represent excellent 6 savIngs for the thrifty buyer, Trade in your present car ADd pay balance on easy terms. Wolverine Coupe 1927 Reo Broughain 1927 Reo Coupe 1927 Hupnobile Coupe 1927 Studebaker Sedan 1928 Buick Sedan 1928 Dodge Sedan 1927 Buick Coach 1927 Reo Coune 1923 Reo Touring 1923 Reo Coupe 1927 Packard Touring a 1925 Nash Sedan 1326 Essex Coach 1927 Hudson Coach 1925 Hudson Coach 1927 Reo Mate Coupe 1929 Reo Touring 1924 TRUCKS. (Ve solve delivery come and Our uaed truck dept. will gave you money.

Reo Express 1926 Reo Chasals 1925 Lodge Express 1925 Reo Furniture 6-cyl. 1926 Reo Panel 1928 Reo Rack 1926 Express 1926 Ren Chassis 1925 Reo Screen 1924 Reo Panel 1928 Reo Rack. 1926 Chevrolet Chassis 1926 Reo F. Express 1926 White Truck Dump 1923 Reo Furniture 1924 Reo Furniture 1923 RUSSELL P. TABER, INC.

Cor. Park and Willow Eta. Tel, 2-3154 5 AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICE Automobiles for Sale 11 Beauty Shops--Hair Dressers STUDEBAKER 1925 Sedan, splendid con- BEAUTIFUL of permanent wave guatanteed, dition, price $250. The l'ackard Motor Car bal. Anger month.

'15: shampoo, with either Co. of N. 721 State: St. Dial Box. SpAd.

wave or marcel. $1. The Beauty STUDEBAKER VICTORIA Coupe, 1927. Natl. Bk.

Bide. Tel. 4-2913. original duco paint finish, excellent condi- largest BURRERY- ROSE BEAUTY tion. mechanically guaranteed: popular all highest rated school: 20 years -pass.

car at right price. Arthur P. Cen- work balt price. 82 Worthingter. 488 Bridge St.

3-1115, ton St. 8-4810. USED, CARS SAUERS, OF INC. MERIT ent DOERR'9 school of BEAUTY hairdressing Academy, and Spid's beauty old721 Worthington St. OTel.

6-6301 culture: day and evening classes: brush wiLLYS KNIGHT-4-door sedan. 004 up classroom cour bait arranged. -price. All work done in 4 Tyler St. Tel.

2-0864 or 2-9402. $5 34 Maple Permanent ware e14. WILLY6-KNIGHT and Whippet, late mod- HELEN BEAUTY 643 low Main St. prices. 3-2186.

Moyer-Catok Mote: Sales, permanent waveR, Special $3.50, no finger waving needed. Tel. 2-8396. GuarBARGAINS--Buy now! A few repossessed antded 6 months. cArE, late models; will gAll for balance due.

M. C. Barrett, 600 State St. open Repairing evenings until 8. CHAIRS- Reseated by the BETTER blind.

Edw. 9 CARS. Schuerer, 739 Suinner Ave. 2-0705. Ruick Honest Values- Ford Best Rtr.

Prices. R. St 1929 COLONIAL UPHOLSTERING ReupStudebaker Sed. 1927 Essex Coupe holstering and repairing. reas.

prices work Hupp. Brough. 1928 Nash St. Sedan.1928 estt. freely.

Tel. 0-5580. 2490 Biain. Chev. Pontiac 1928 VACUUM CLEANERS.

all makes, repairet, Many Others reasonable. 61 Dresden St. Tel. 2-5844. AGENT FOR SILVER- MARSHALL RADIO Open JACK STONE, 109 DWIGHT ST.

Hosiery Repair Service 28A Evenings and Sundaya. Tel. BRING YOUR damaged stockings and CLEARANCE SALE OP. like net them The Stocking Shop. up, They Main lonk bave repaired.

250 OK'D Ft Tel 4-7415 2 more days left to our 10-day Used Car Sale. Every car must go to make room for Piano Tuning 28B new model coming in Jan. 4. Used care will FACTORY EXPERTS double in value in. the spring- ow GUARANTEED PIANO TUNING, $2.00.

SEDANS COACHES Former professional tuner for Broadway COUPES LANDAUS Theater city and all G. Bros. circuit of C. I. theaterm, references to how my abillity as FENTON factory expert 101 Gibba Piano Co.

and L. 50 West: Springield. M. P'ierce Music. city; piano and Tel.

2-6193. player repairing; out-of-town calls attendRECONDITION FORDS. to C. Kubicek. Tel.

2-8843. '27 Tudor, $150; Tudor, $100. EXIRT PIANO to new Ford BYRNES MOTOR customers for limited time. Plano and Dealers, 1-29 Belmont Ave, 6-3628. player repairing at redud prices.

Critics 50 LATE MODEL Used Cart at very jow recommend us. Work guaranteed. Ellsprices, Enfeld Garage, Thompsonville, worth Ellsworth. 98 High St. 6-1669 Conn.

Tel. 606-2. Ar 6-2621. Cleaning and Dyeing 29 Motorcycles and Bicycles 124 CARPETS STEAM CLEANED shampooed PICK YOURS while the picking 18 best! feathers and matresses reno ated. Spfld.

And prices are way down low! Our club Steam Carpet Cleaning. 504 St James plan makes it easier. Crandall Cycle Co- A vA 0.8113. R28 State St. HEGT'S.

Cleaners and dyers of garAuto Parts and Accessories mento collection and househoid delivery. turniebinga, 135 State. ruge: 4-2410. free AUTOMOTIVE replacements. parte and RUGS (C presse alr cleaned, steant sterden equipment.

even for orpbans. Call Gep- Ilized. tapestry, $1.50. Crescent 23k7 Siain St. el 6-5481.

pet Cleaning 56 Harrison Ave. Service Stations- Repairing 15 EMPLOYMENT BARGAINS recharging. in rentala new and and rebuilt road ba rice. Help Wanted -Women 32 lumbus Standish A Battery foot of Garage 2040 6t. Tel Co- A.

B. C. EMP. 12.5 Main St. Edi2-61(9.

phone or rator. counter girls, waitresses. 3 houseworkors, mothers' helpers. 61 MAGNETOS. Dresden 6 generators.

above India. O. Brouilett, Motocy- AT HANLEY'S-Cafeteria girl; office girl cle. Am. Bosch Magneto Service.

2-3844 to Junch counter business, 25-30 2d mald: girl. 073 Dwight St. Autos for Hire 16 working CAPABLE, EXPERIENCED WOMAN 28 relady in fat work ironing dept. DRIVE YOURSELF coupes, road- Apply by giving age. experience sters, ton trucks, 21-pars, bus Ephd.

Auto and references. Box 940. Union Ofice. Livery 453 Worthington. Dial 4-4518.

FLOWER HOSPITAL Wanted Automobiles 17 TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. AUTOMOBILES. late models. bought for 1. Capacity 228.

bed hospital forms Integral cash. Jack Stone. 109 Dwight St. 3-7848. part of foremost N.

Y. Medical College. CASH for late model cars. Louie B. Brady.

Hospital al supplies uniforms books, 160 Chestnut St plus maintenance, and allowance $15 monthly first and $20 cond year. BUSINESS SERVICE 3. Age eighteen to thirty-Ave years. 4. On year high school accepted though preference riven high school graduate.

Business Services Offered 18 Graduates el rible for registration. ARE YOU troubled with pests 10 your Apr Immediately for February let class. home, hotel or factory? 25 years' experi- New Directress Fork of C. Nurses, 450 E. 64th Street, ence in this profession.

Assures you ON complete safety and satisfaction. Amer- GIRL to assist with housework: stay Iran Exterminating Co. 3-1917 nights. 68 Kimberly upstairs. lest firm In exterminating References required.

Tel. 6-0938. MAILLARD Verm'n Exterminating Co. The IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKservices moths, etc. for ntee roaches, to eradi- deas.

HOUSEKEEPER, middleaged woman, must cat bedburs in 4 hours. 4-4517. be fond of children and the country. 4-3338, THE Bridge St BIRCHARD Tel. 8-4921- SYSTEM.

rm 851 of MATURE OFFICE WOMAN with some vermin. rats. bes. mice. sales experience, must be able to ty de, bedburs.

Ante moths. Rayo Union Pal Office. graduate preferred. Box 924, men PLATING at of all moderatte kinds prices. done by Springfeld NEWELL SERVICE--Steno.

with general Plating Works, 17 Taylor St. 8-32134 office exp for Brightwood manufacturing and saw service, price very rea- concern: single, age 23 to 21: exp. comptosinable. Tel. 7-0682.

meter operate 110 State Street. THREE YOUNG WOMEN of good -Contracting 19 ter sales and force pleasing personality to join our on articles of merit. Hard ALL KINDS ROOFS repaired. chimneys work under our direction will assure S'ICAd cleaned. Chimney repaired: 57 AX p.

Florence Insured St 4-1272 men. cess. Sales experience not essential, but some business training advantageous, For CHIMNEYS cleaned repaired: all interview, write in own handwriting. givkinds of roofs and valleys laid and re- ing age, address, telephone number and paired; bollers. furnaces and Greciaces previous experience.

Box 2129, Union Ofcleaned by vacuum: cement work and fice. A H. plastering: Richard cellars 1, 133 Orleans and St. whitened. 3-0803.

YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE leaned WORKCollege education preferred. Apply beCONSTRUCTION- New or repair: carpen- fore noon or Tel. Holyoke 1354. Nautilus ceiling. garage.

4-7866. Magazine, 247 Cabot Holyoke. Mass. valleys repaired: chimneya estimates cleaned; free; 20 roofs years' and Help Wanted -Men 33 experience, work guaranteed. Tel.

4-8046. A. B. C. EMP.

1275 Main ROOFING--Call our estimator about the Chemist, diemakers, J. L. operatora, economy of our long -life roofs; make that sausage 'stuffer and salad man. cold house warm with Creo-Dipt stained sheet man. short order conk.

board shingles cellings over and present side walls: clapboarde: time Upron pay- ASSISTANT DRUG CLERK--Good poRi27 ref. rea. Community Drug Store. ments. Kavrock Sanford oSt WATERPROOFING AT for retail store, $25 and concrete: now E.

H. week, Italian preferred. auto license: call the Hartler. time 49 to Dorn attend St. to Tel.

wetorellars, early: other positions open. 273 Dwight. sition. AWNING salesman, experienced. steady poHeating, Plumbing, Metal Work 20 Apply P.

O. Rex 297, Hartford, Conu METAL CEILING- -Estimates free. Spring- 064 t. Young man. Apply BARBER WANTED field Metal Ceiling Co.

2-5715 BEATER ENGINEER familiar with tIE Millinery Dressmaking 22 Box paper: 2137. give age and experience. Write Union fAce. pleating HEMSTITCHING skirts, $1. DONE, Margaret's per Baby CANVASSERS--If you want a good clean.

Shop. 297 Bridge St. Tel. 2-6916. well- paid position.

call 3-0373. 10-12 a 'm. CARETAKER to live on premises at low Moving, Trucking. Storage 23 rent. Tel.

3-6035. A LOAD WANTED to or DEPENDABLE MAN. vicinity. Guy P. Sears.

Lover, 81 The largest company of the kind, Worthington St. Tel. 6-2911 or with other 900 branches throughout 43 PALWAYS call "'Reliable Express" furn. factory countries the darters world. has opened up and piano moving.

$2.50 per hour, $3 A in the Massasoit room: load to Boston. New York. 6-2075. world Building. Springfeld.

product is (2-8166)- famed, ur ch no compeANDERSON BENSON CORP. for the right man. This comFurniture and piano moving: local and Dal will fully finance A dealer replong distance: storage. 167-159 Lebanon. resentatire bueness.

The company. AROUND TOWN OR FAR AWAY. which is Elec alux, will Insist, Re able. furniture and Son. piano 5-6492- moving.

or 2-261R. however, that able these start nu'n bA operating of good 1m- Stacy MOVING An hour: piano (st ory ach! at can our go to expense. our near- for media And CITY tra. J. J.

Provost, 3-2741 410 Central So one k. starting Jan To theas DEMPSET cal and long will capital will necessary. distance furniture and piano movers: re- merchant carry all pAliable service, reasonable rates 4 arting you up In business at our GOING TWICE week to New York. with expense. with pry branch a 2 large furniture moving vans.

Gloth work supervising to and helping you immediate fn Tranafer 1883 Mato St. Tel. 6-2373. ASSUre you Established 1871: fur- Awarded do individuals selected in will each ha profts. exclusive franchise IVERS' EXPRESS and piano moving.

2-7712. of the following territories: J. SULLIVAN THI MOVER. VORTHAMITON EASTHAMPTON Moving, packing. stora With our large VOLTOKE STFIELD duet of vans an capable movers.

CHICOPEE PALMER Are assured of complete and satisfac- SPRINGHELD service. Office and Warehouse, 385 Personal orview Saturday Liberty. Dial 2-2168. from 0 12 to m. KELLEY'S EXPRESS Furniture and 2 piano moving.

385 Liberty St. 2-7740. or p. 111. sharp wire Mon from.

out: of Springfield. Painting- 24 or telephone for personal inteview. La A. COLLINS- Painting and paperhanging. ringfold.

Thihod 429 Massuaolt Bull ng. rooms papered $4 and up. Tel. A-7997. A YEAR TO a painting: call FURNITU EN LA and paperbangers.

HOUSE PAINTING. papering, beaverboard Now England House. Sten with 4-1751. 00 4 or 3 prom nK or furniture men wanted by progressive and metal ceilings; special prices this future. (n0 has-beens), who.

have Onth. Miller. 135 Greenwood. Tel. sales ability, will be given unusual 2-1312 or 3-0479.

opporiunity. Write, giving experPAINTING PAPERHANGING. spraying. rienco, present salary and qualifinew cellings. floors laid and sand'ng.

cations Add ass Furniture Man, Easy payments. Forest Park Decorating Box 2 8. Un. Office. 3-7509.

PAINTING and paperhanging, $3 per PHER GOODS SAMPLE MAKER room work guaranteed. Tel. 7-0682. Experienced on billfolu and flat goods PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING work large out-of-town factory, Able to and prices right. Koehler.

2-0337. make patterns and samples complete. Fine Address, giving 26 perience, references (confidential), salkinds; PRINTING. ask for BUSINESS--Stationery quotations. Premier all F.

J. Wilkins Gloversville, N. Y. ary expected. 4 experienced girls, Printing 56 Harrison Ave.

2-6712. liberate commission, conProfessional 27 ditional to start: show you in the MASSAGE--Good physically and men- only how men to looking make $40 for to $50 steady per selling week: tally, shower bath. Call Nurse. 6-4994. proposition need apply: experience not Amos Paul NICHOLS Katherine E.

necessary. Call 611 Republican 21 Reare Place, Springfeld 4 to 6 p. m. Superfuous hair painlessly disposed of for time 2 by chairs, the 2 single operators. electric Telephone.

needie MEN FOR IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT process: Phone 3-5450. ARTIFICIAL SPECIALTY. TEETH I MIDDLEAGED for general DR HARVEY. A 292 Worthington St. 2-7718.

work. J. M. Hartwell cor. Chestnut and Taylor 1890: moderate rate.

235 Pine St. 3-1217. for 3 men on sales force, must le opening willing BUSCALL NURSING HOME- Established NEW ENGLAND CONCERN TE MASSAGE -Colonic Irrigations. sweat to work hard. Apply between 9-10 a.

m. batha, Vito net treatments, by apponit- Room 516, 1695 Main St. R. N. Tel.

6-3601. Agnes Pelkey, NEWELL SERVICE -Recent college man for sales work. 110 State St. a bomelike place for the invalld, OVERSEEN for narrow And seamleas axRANGEVIEW EW SANITARIUM, AMHERST. acute or chronic: rational appliances.

minster carpet weaving: also first class trained nurses and resident physician loom fixer for same Charles P. sure the care Raymond Service, (34th year), 294 Washington Boston, Mass. Beauty Shops--Hair Dressers PAPER MILL MEN- Experienced machine shop foreman, master mechanic, machine ARMAND'S BEAUTY SALON- -Permanent and back tenders. heater engineers, color wave, special $5, no finger wave men, salesmen and others. Charles P.

shampoo and marcel or Anger wave, $1. Raymond Service, 201 Washington 1423 Main. Boston, Masa, CASES DISMISSED Pair Freed on Charge Afising from Argument Over Election. 4 Pasterczyk of 44 Church Street and John Rypysc of 54 T'ine Street. charged with as tult trict Court this morens when their case came up for continuance, were dismissed after trial by Judge Joh P.

Kirby, The charge arose over an election argument. Arthur T. Mallette or 57 Grover Street, Springfield, charged wit operating an auto not insured, was Ar. raigned and he pleaded Pot guilty. His case was ntinue until Saturday for trial.

Mallette as the A car owned by of Springfield which was involved in an Accident here recently. The car was found to have wrong number plates attached, Gallivan to come trial Saturday for permitting the operation of an uninsured auto. 1 BERGER CASE Charles And. Not Inrolred in Court Case. Through an error it stated in The Union Thursday that Charles Berger of Grattan Street, who was convicted of operating an auto while under the influence of liquor and drunkness waS the painter and decorator who was awarded the contract for decorating the City Hall Annex.

The contract was awarded to Edmund Berger. also of Grattan Classes Will Re Resumed. The Chicopee Evening Practical Arts Classes will resume sessions Monday and Tuesday evenings at the Montcalm, Aldenville, Chapin, P. E. Bowe and the high school The dressmaking classes will start their third problem, the construction of silk Members of the beginners class- 3.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.