0. BED WILLOW COUNTY REPORTER, THURSDAY, JULY 17. 1M7 kerosene 8.40 seima Handy, board. and Commissioners' Proceedings rent 41 00 Commissioner District No. I Fund The Alemite grease guns 13.32 Harold Carlson, labor 27 JO John Carlson, labor 8180 ur.
e. r. ljemmger, med RED WILLOW COUNTY REPORTER ical car uo Dr. E. F.
Leininger. pro McCook, Nebraska Bill Prank, labor 20.30 fessional service. 150.00 Juiy 8. 194' mcuook uty water De CoasoUdatiOB of The Indianola Reeporter ud Bariley Inter-Oceaa The Board of County Commis Junior Hart, labor 14.00 Inter-State Oil oil 78J0 ATTRACTS ATTENTION partment, water rent 150 L. E.
Moore, labor 70.00 G. L. Montgomery, pro- sioners met pursuant to, adjournment of meeting held July 1, Entered at the Inidanols postoffice Commissioner DUtrict No. 1 fessional service 1847. Phono This Newspaper And YouH Gat Attention 55.00 10.00 tubo Jesus Monzon.
rent All members were present ond class mail matter, nnder the Act of Congress, March 8, 1879. gro- Gerald Bonner, labor Keith Bonner, labor 4JS0 Peterson's Grocery, 4.50 1 ceries The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved Loren De Wayne Dike, la 2100 5.10 100 by tne bor On motion, the following claims George Herrod, labor Published each Thursday afternoon by The Valley Printing; Company, at Indianola, Red Willow County, Nebraska, in -the Repnbllean River Valley. were allowed, after first deduct Hurbert Hestermann, la ing delinquent personal taxes due Preit Drug medicine Public Power, lights na Quality Market, groceries Right-Way Grocery, I ceries lM Safeway Stores, groceries 60X0 ff 'P" roce- bor and so listed by the County 18.55 13.75 18.55 27.50 Treasurer: Hopper Son, repairs Frank Hoyt, commission and Publisher RALPH VL WOOLMAN BOB MORRIS General Fund er services Managing Editor. K. B.
Printing sup Frank Hoyt, money ad MARGUERITE WOOLMAN Society Editor plies i 21.07 vanced STANLEY SUMMER Mechanical Foreman K. B. Printing Co- sup- Leon Larrington. labor McCook City Water De plica St Catherine's of Sienna Hospital, hospitalization 123 JO 300 Webber, board and care -m 50X0 25 Dr- Willis Dickinson, 4.50 1 hospital care and appen- PATES (County Clerk, money ad 88.09 20.98 31.30 partment, water-Jt-Cb. Shoo vanced SUBSCRIPTION Ono Year, local I Six Monthi Three Months Milburn Scott, supplies Monroe Calculating Mach 450 1 dectomy 15100 Bernard McKillip, labor -Donald McKillip, labor Nile McKillip, labor 42.00 125 .71 2.50 3.00 4 50 House Grocery, gro- 7 ine Co calculator main- tenance 40X0 ceries 35.00 4X0 One Year, outside Trad Territory.
One Year, outside U. 8. Northwestern Bell Tele I Fair Fund Cletis Norman, laoor Public Power, lights at the 100 87 Harr in- phone services at the court house 135.21 County Shed n.i kw. ia surancc premium Omaha Printing sup plies 45458 58X7 84X6 5170 Road Drag No. 1 Fond TrI Marsh Insurance, in- Myron Bennett, labor 73X0 furaace premium Borage, repair, hnd preSm Burroughs Adding Mach ine Co servicing machines Danbury-Lebanon Tele- wieoman Agen- Horton Typewriter Co, 35X3 mum Tvfhinff mil I Wl You Can't Stop Windstorms! SPECIAL NOTICE Obituary notices, Reeolotiona of Respect, Cards of Thanks, petitions, and notices of church an deharitablo entertainments and the like, whan an admission fee a charged, or goods are sold, will be charged for at the rate of 10c per lino.
i This newspaper aroposss to print the newt fairly and impartially to alL acd any emaeeaS on the character or standing of any person or fvm wQl ba gladly corrected whom brought to the attention of the publisher. I UN loldism Kalian fund supplies The Augustine Co, sup 2129 12.95 28X0 22.24 4X0 plies Danbury Oil fuel and House Grocery, on. 219X8 groceries 173.77 Finstone Stores, tire and The report of Sheriffs fees tube 137.70 earned during the month of May sup- The Augustine plies Reliable Typewriter Co, M. H. Gragg, labor 8140 were examined and approved by supplies Reliable Typewriter Ca, 101.05 typewriter Yog mo E.
B. Remington Insurance, NATIONAL DITDRIAL- Highway Equipment ine Jiomra. aiso, uie report ox Supply seals X4 fees earned during the of Horton's Service Station, June by the County Judge wese oil 27X0 examined and approved by the Frank Jolly, labor 120X0 Board. Klein's Motor Electric, re- I The bond of E. Enright, deputy mm i But You Can Prevent Losses! Mo You can't stop windstorms bat you can prevent 11 the losses from them by merely coming late our office and sj taking oat an insurance policy ba your bam, garage or any other building that may be located on your We Also Handle All Other Types Of Insurance! TJ OF TNI 11J37 SOCIATION deputy clerk's bond The Valley Printing publishing proceedings, etc.
1 Af.k pain r. o.u coumy ciers was approveu ay I Road Drag No. 2 Fund the board. Guy Foster, labor 148.00 On motion, the board adjourn' x. 25.70 .75 13X4 W.
G. Egan, labor McCook City Water Dept. MMMNWUMallll 1041 Percy McChesney. 194X0 ed to meet July 15, 1947. mi AssnacAHrwaa AaaooATiow water at court house Stan'a Service Station, die- L.
E. NOKES, Chairman, Board of County Public Power, lights and 58.90 sel fuel oo Road Drag No. 3 Fund merchandise Red Willow County Ex ATTEST: Island Supply Ca, grad tension service, salaries, the. individual and national, loss would be very great. Congress has twice appropriated money for this program.
In view of the in- er blades z.o ALICE KIPLINGER. Count Clerk. 231X6 mileage, etc. Ira Joy. labor 118X5 Commissioner District No.
1 Nelson Body Bt Fender Fund R. E.KURTZ INSURANCE OF ALL MINDS XHDIANOLA CO-OP. CREDIT ASSOOATIOif Worka. reoairinc radia I creased demands for the program, decided to send a Com-'xnittee down to Mexico to inves WEDDING INVITATIONS and aaaoancements taatefaQy ar- Wm. Bercer.
labor -73X0 tor OO Grimes Service Station, Carl Purvis, labor 109X0 tigate. Among those appointed to fuel, oil and tires 300.83 Bridge Fund nuc oad skfllfolly Valley Printing Co Mete. the Committee and who made the trip were Congressman Geo. 6.00 The Sugar Control Ad Hopper Son, anchors McCook Equity Exchang, John Harris, labor 79.20 Grant Kincaid, labor 36X0 County Clerk, recording sheriffs deed 15 Nebraska Machinery Car? Since the noddle there ta' "5 fflK man A. L.
Miller of Nebraska. 9.40 cable and clamps Poor Relief Fund been Th i iMJuu7- erinanan and Mr. is a 86.45 Ault Cafe, meals For Results, Try Classified Ads lease on tractor vxs Mrs. Pete Colling, rent and the time the recent war came Harold labor imon us w. kmCST: JiS ZCT- and surgeon.
r- t. afow. labor 2 eu4iu a-fe'iMXO care v. I9im IVFamt Grocery. STOCe- Sugar Act gave the richt to two.
The Committee went into the Remington Service Station, ries a 43X1 um certain nnramt nr th. vu hw. ua imuaj D. ft 8. Market, groceries 16X5 Prof essional Directorv Business sugar needs of the United States DTWya side roads.
They saw 777 Super Service, repairs 15-53 Arvilla Dugger, board and McCook Livestock ut Sugar beet xrowen. to ma lirognun at rrauicauua yea irwm wukj 1 t-'- room' mw at Co. sodatton, lights Grimes Service Station, 1X0 Shop nrSUBAMCE h. Platte Valley Finance Co. SALE EVERY SATURDAY Mltilbla KeCMk rVa.nl WE ARE PREPARED To Provide Our Complete and Modern Service la Yew Seel- Phone IK HruBBltj Church or Our Ui-.
Ufc WL done 7 LOANS Funeral Chapel. the domestic cane growers, to the crried out- Infected cattle are Philippine Islands, to K.wii, placed in a big trench, Cuba, the Virgin tiBfff Puer- eovmA "rtth lime and then bur-to Rico, and other off-shore areas. ia so infectious Many Americans believe that to tk this country ought to produce a caution not to spread it They much greater portion of our own worc rubber gloves, rubber boots sugar than has been produced. that was discarded It has been' pointed out that if whcn mission was completed, that situation would prevail, we 709 cmn be carried on would not be abort of sugar in men' ooes, complicate the time of war or other national problem, hundreds of thousands emergency. The problem is not 01 4(0 Mexico, that are one -that arose overnight Do- nard te md hard to de-mestic producers of sugar have troy, are infected with this dished an uphill fight in meeting the eue- foreign competition since about' Many of the Mexicans are of 1914.
Indian blood. To them their cat- The Act of 1937 authorized the dtax- Thy consider Secretaiy of Agriculture to de- them almost as member of the termine how much sugar would tanily. These Mrxirans peons be needed in a given year, then bring their cattle in, being Jlocate to these various group unable to sign their names, re-their portion of that market ceipted for the money with their Spencer LUEKJNG 1 Dr. H. G.
Wallaca DENTIST X-RAY Hours B-U and 1-5 Saturdays 8-12 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Indianola, Nebraska FUNERAL HOME WIUs Drawn TUlea Perfected rERAL LAND BANK LOANS II BARTLEY PHONE 88 Dr. W.R. Caine Chiropractor (Over Peaaey CoJ LONG-TERM LOW INTEREST The Coast Packing Company based upon a percentage form-1 thumb prints. Women and child-1 ula set forth in the law. Thatlrcn th sad faces and tears roll-Act did make better economic' down their cheeks would in those territories tand by and watch their, cattle that received the benefit of it killed.
McCOOK Breland Funeral Chapel AMBULANCE SERVICE Ph. 88" McCook 1001 Maia Brett W. Simonds Green Other aections of the United The program is a costly one for States tr.it wanted to produce the American taxpayers but as sugar beets, which had no yet no one has come up with a sugar factories and no quotas, solution to take the place of this couldnt get started. That is the) program. The Committee's re-evil of such a system.
The wsr.port is most valuable to the Con- DENTIST BUY HOGS IN BARTLEY EVERY D.4Y! YOUR DAILY HOG MARKET Always in Line With Tenninal Markets j. Pficej McCOOK, NEBRASKA Priagle Baumag aoaea to au ox tnese problems. DR. A. R.
TAYLOR, i The foreign and off -short pro 887W ducers of sugar fed that ihey 1 Room 11, Over Peaaey Bids, DENTIST X-RAY the American sugar market They coxnena to una laxen awav Office Over nasi National fh IT I our Rov Collicott mnn uiem. u. ia an umrwnii H. Stearns. M.
D. PHONE 88 CAMBRIDGE Dr. Yule W. Dorwart DENTIST X-RAY i act Many of these outlying Jess Purvis PHONE 41 Bartley puces are American territories. fr I IL PHYSICIAM 8t SURGEON PHONE 210 Cambridge teCook, Mete.
Phoae MS inuui turn war, buuu pruuue- tion was increased a treat deal need Buuolag Ralph Cantrall Auctioneer jum sne now comenos mat to 258 Cambridge, Mete. cut her back to pre-war production would totally disrupt the economy in that island. TlnaUr. all aeements of the ex CONFUCIUS SAY i. 4 Cradaate of Rsfseb AnMricaa isting, sugar industry agreed on U11 1.
FORGET of MAM WHO MEYER agreemeni, pemaps no oiu couia REGIS HOTEL MOWBOOKTMO STRAIGHT ra ADVERTISE satisfactory solution of a cult problem, yet many feel that fa mm nmmr Mimun rnmr mh i be had. The sugar beet indus- Phone Collect Danbury 27F12 mmtm 4ftat aliflM In imw mavlraTft ALL ROOMS WITH BATH i OMAHA Home of the Popular White Hor Inn i varfll i.m' Itmttmr rhmnnm nt tnm th' Al. Li CECIL HOTEL Indianola. Nebraska mm 1 I iJ xiona aidtbu wiao wouu ob i 'mm mmm DAVIDSON GRAVEL COMPANY AT Grade Any Tune tne ease wnnow tne dui. xne bill that was presented to the House may be the best bill that Any Place be obtained, but it is certain- MODERN, rURNISHED Apartments Phoae 143' i- laatbuatal.
mmm mm- mKm mc mmm .1. ku tmlmMtmiA Cafe lnmiui wide area ia the Republic of Mexico. The United States has car- i WEHAULANYTHINO RICHlVflLLS" Sleeping Rooms By Bay. Week or Moafh Ilea on fnvni.ua in niriiro combat that disease. It is a dreaded disease and it is felt that if it oace rabchea the United States,.